Garrote, Ariana

Garrote, Ariana


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School-to-work-transition of low achieving students in regular ans special education classes

2024-09-04, Neuenschwander, Markus, Garrote, Ariana


Grouping nationalities based on students’ estimation of stereotype contents in Switzerland

2024-03-26, Neuenschwander, Markus, Garrote, Ariana, Huttasch, Michelle

Social stereotypes influence people’s perceptions of nationalities. To categorize the stereotypes about existing nationalities in Switzerland, the stereotype content model can be used. People with nationalities that are associated with low warmth and competence are at risk of being perceived as outgroup members and of being discriminated against, whereas people with nationalities that are rated as high in warmth and competence are more likely to be perceived as ingroup members and are therefore better accepted. Warmth is negatively associated with competition while competence is positively associated with status. Students (N = 101) from various universities in the German-speaking part of Switzerland rated 70 nationalities along the dimensions of warmth, competence, competition, and status. The cluster analyses revealed four groups of nationalities along the dimensions warmth and competence. Levels in status and competition differed between those four clusters. In line with prior research, a negative relationship was found between competition and warmth and a positive relationship between status and competence. These findings allow to understand social stereotypes of nationalities based on empirical evidence. More importantly, the clusters can be used in future studies to compare groups of people with different nationalities who have specific stereotyping experiences.

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Der Zusammenhang zwischen Lehrkraftfeedback, Sozialverhalten und Ablehnung in standardisierten Mathematikstunden. Ergebnisse einer Videostudie

2024-03-18, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth, Diener, Marion, Hepberger, Brigitte, Kuratli Geeler, Susanne, Garrote, Ariana

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Effects of school form, teacher network with the labour market and teacher's informative-practical-instrumental support on person-environment fit of students with low academic achievement

2023-10-19, Carli, Manuel, Neuenschwander, Markus, Garrote, Ariana

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Behavioural problems and peer experiences of students in secondary school. A latent profile analysis.

2024-09-04, Garrote, Ariana, Müller, Christoph, Neuenschwander, Markus

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Lehrkraftfeedback, soziale Kompetenzen und soziale Ablehnung. Ein personenzentrierter Ansatz zur Identifizierung gefährdeter Lernender

2024-03-18, Garrote, Ariana, Nesme, Celina, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth


The cycle of violence. Effects of violence experience, behavior, and attitudes on adolescents’ peer rejection networks

2024, Favre, Céline Anne, Garrote, Ariana, Kassis, Wassilis, Bacher, Janine, Wullschleger, Andrea, Aksoy, Dilan

Previous research on adolescent peer networks has mainly focused on friendship networks and their association with violence, but very limited research is available on peer rejection networks. This lack of knowledge hinders the effectiveness of preventing peer rejection and its negative effects. Based on the theory of the cycle of violence, the present study examines the extent to which parental physical abuse experiences, aggressive behavior toward peers and acceptance of violence are related to peer rejection networks at school. Social network analysis with a stochastic actor-oriented model of longitudinal data collected from high school students (Wave 1, n = 620; Wave 2, n = 590) confirms that adolescents who frequently use aggression toward their peers are more likely to be rejected, especially if those adolescents have experienced abuse. Similarly, peers are more likely to reject adolescents with high levels of accepting violence. The results also show that aggression toward peers generally tends to decrease over time but not for adolescents who reject a larger number of students. For students who reject many peers, aggression frequency increases. From the perspective of resilience theory, peer rejection, when combined with aggression toward peers and acceptance of violence, particularly in female adolescents, creates a significant risk factor for socio-emotional development. Therefore, tackling violence attitudes, experiences and behavior in the school environment and at home is crucial in overcoming the cycle of violence.

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Zusammensetzung von Regelklassen mit Grundanforderungen und Sonderschulklassen: Welche Rolle spielen der sonderpädagogische Förderbedarf, die Leistung, das Verhalten und askriptive Merkmale?

2024-06-08, Neuenschwander, Markus, Garrote, Ariana

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Eltern- und Lehrpersonerwartungen sowie Leistungen und Anstrengungsbereitschaft von Jugendlichen als Determinanten von intergenerationaler Bildungsmobilität

2024-03-18, Neuenschwander, Markus, Ramseier, Lukas, Garrote, Ariana


Social behavior, academic achievement, language skills, and peer rejection in elementary school classes. The moderating role of teacher feedback

2024, Garrote, Ariana, Diener, Marion, Hepberger, Brigitte, Kuratli Geeler, Susanne, Nesme, Celina, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth