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Publikation The figure of transformation and its effects on the professionalspatial practices in the field of youth welfare(Routledge, 02.12.2025) Brandstetter, Johanna; Brüschweiler, Bettina; Reutlinger, Christian; Rosenberger, ChristinaSocio-pedagogical spaces such as youth centres or residential group homes are always located in specific places and are established to meet specific local and national needs. Accordingly, the professionals working there are confronted with external demands from both their immediate environment as well as those stemming from professional or social transformations. Drawing on case studies from the research project, ‘Places of Social Pedagogy in society – practices of relationing and (re)shaping’, this article examines how Swiss social workers change and justify their spatial practices in response to transformations in the field of youth welfare. Applying – and relating to each other – both spatial theory and an ethnographic approach to professional practices, this article presents empirical findings on how transformations and the socio-pedagogical places where social work takes place affect to each other. Moreover, it draws on these examples to explore how spatial theory positions social workers as professional space-shapers. This offers potential für reflection both for social work practice and for the debate on spatial theory.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Simulation of policies for automated ride-hailing and ride-pooling services(ETH Zürich, 01.08.2025) Kagho, Grace; Balac, Milos; van Eggermond, Michael; Erath, AlexanderAutomated vehicles are becoming more prevalent, and the disruption they would cause in combination with ride-hailing and ride-pooling services could be tremendous. Therefore, this study investigates the impacts of ride-hailing and ride-pooling automated fleets in two Swiss cities, Chur and Zurich, and potential policy measures to steer their operations towards more sustainable solutions. We employ the results of the stated preference survey and combine the estimated mode-choice and car ownership model results with the agent-based simulation, MATSim, to simulate the impacts of various scenarios. We find that automated ride-hailing (aRH) and automated ride-pooling (aRP) services do not seem to be competing for the same demand. In general, these services would lead to a reduction in total travel time but an increase in total vehicle distance, which is more substantial in transit-oriented Zurich than in car-oriented Chur. Furthermore, we found that even though the proposed policies increased vehicle occupancy, they did not manage to overcome the increase in VKT, signaling the need for more targeted policies and operational strategies. Finally, we provide recommendations for transport policy and future research based on our findings.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Assessing the effectiveness of an online cycling training for adults to master complex traffic situations(Elsevier, 03/2025) van Eggermond, Michael; Schaffner, Dorothea; Studer, Nora; Knecht, Leah; Johnson, LucyAcknowledging the significance of both subjective and objective safety in promoting cycling, there is a need for effective measures aimed at improving cycling skills among a broader population. Hence, the aim of the current study is to evaluate and investigate the impact of online cycling training targeted at adults. An online cycling training consisting of three modules was developed to train safe behaviour in seven prototypical safety-relevant situations. 10,000 individuals were invited to participate, with 700 individuals completing the training. The effectiveness of the training was evaluated using a mixed-methods approach combining self-report measures with behavioural measures. Self-report measures were collected using four items of the Cycling Skills Inventory and knowledge-based questions. On a behavioural level, effectiveness was investigated using a virtual reality cycling simulator. Participants’ self-reported cycling skills were evaluated before and after participation in the online training. Three out of four self-reported skills (i.e. predicting traffic situations, showing consideration, knowing how to act) improved on average, across participants. Moreover, participants who cycle less frequently benefited more from the training as they indicated their ability to recognise hazards, to predict traffic situations and to know how to appropriately after completion of the online training. Finally, all participants indicated that they felt more comfortable while cycling after completing the training. In the training evaluation, it was found that the treatment group navigated through traffic more safely on a behavioural level, and/or possessed the required knowledge-based skills in three out of five evaluated situations. These promising findings indicate that online cycling training is one potential avenue to develop cycling skills within a target audience of adult cyclists: not only on a knowledge level, but also on a behavioural level. Notwithstanding limitations, we conclude that an online cycling training can contribute to safer cycling and the promotion of cycling in general.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Lacking a vocational upper-secondary diploma. motivational and proximal contextual predictors in primary and lower-secondary education(Springer, 18.01.2025) Hofmann, Jan; Neuenschwander, Markus; Ramseier, Lukas01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Determinanten der Berufswahl und der Berufsorientierung(16.01.2025) Neuenschwander, Markus06 - PräsentationPublikation Early determinants of intergenerational upward and downward educational mobility(MDPI, 13.01.2025) Neuenschwander, Markus; Ramseier, Lukas; Garrote, Ariana01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Simulation of policies for automated ride-hailing and ride-pooling services(05.01.2025) Kagho, Grace; Balac, Milos; van Eggermond, Michael; Erath, AlexanderAutomated vehicles are becoming more prevalent, and the disruption they would cause in combination with ride-hailing and ride-pooling services could be tremendous. Therefore, this study investigates the impacts of ride-hailing and ride-pooling automated fleets in two Swiss cities, Chur and Zurich, and potential policy measures to steer their operations towards more sustainable solutions. We employ the results of the stated preference survey and combine the estimated mode-choice and car ownership model results with the agent-based simulation, MATSim, to simulate the impacts of various scenarios. We find that automated ride-hailing (aRH) and automated ride-pooling (aRP) services do not seem to be competing for the same demand. In general, these services would lead to a reduction in total travel time but an increase in total vehicle distance, which is more substantial in transit-oriented Zurich than in car-oriented Chur. Furthermore, we found that even though the proposed policies increased vehicle occupancy, they did not manage to overcome the increase in VKT, signaling the need for more targeted policies and operational strategies. Finally, we provide recommendations for transport policy and future research based on our findings.04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Gemeinschaftlich ausbauen und wohnen. 30 Fragen und Antworten für die Praxis. Zusammenfassung(Bundesamt für Wohnungswesen (BWO), 01/2025) Hilti, Nicola; Massaro, Luana; Reutlinger, Christian; Wizke, DenisIn den letzten Jahren sind in der Schweiz innovative Wohnkonzepte entstanden, bei denen die Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner ihren Lebensraum aktiv mitgestalten – oft im Rahmen von gemeinschaftlichem Wohnen. Eine neue Studie beleuchtet die Erfolgsfaktoren solcher genossenschaftlich getragenen Projekte.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Innovatives Simulationsspiel zur Beurteilung(Aargauischer Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerverband (alv), 01/2025) Muff, Nicole; Girsberger, Fabienne; Neuenschwander, Markus01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Editorial. Urbane Räume im digitalen Wandel – Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Stadtentwicklung(vhw Dienstleistung, 01/2025) Tappert, Simone; Suter, Aline01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder ZeitungPublikation Gemeinschaftlich ausbauen und wohnen. 30 Fragen und Antworten für die Praxis(Bundesamt für Wohnungswesen (BWO), 01/2025) Hilti, Nicola; Massaro, Luana; Reutlinger, Christian; Wizke, DenisIn den letzten Jahren sind in der Schweiz innovative Wohnkonzepte entstanden, bei denen die Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner ihren Lebensraum aktiv mitgestalten – oft im Rahmen von gemeinschaftlichem Wohnen. Eine neue Studie beleuchtet die Erfolgsfaktoren solcher genossenschaftlich getragenen Projekte.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Urbane Räume im digitalen Wandel(vhw Dienstleistung, 01/2025) Tappert, Simone; Suter, Aline99 - SonstigesPublikation FlexWork Trendstudie. New Work und mobiles Arbeiten in der Schweiz 2024(Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie FHNW, 01/2025) Soltermann, Alain; Weichbrodt, JohannZum fünften Mal seit 2014 befragten wir Schweizer Erwerbstätige zu mobiler und flexibler Arbeit, sowie neu auch zu New Work im engeren Sinne. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass etwa der Hälfte der Schweizer Erwerbstätigen mindestens selten mobil arbeitet. Für viele ist die Möglichkeit, mobil zu arbeiten, ein wichtiges oder gar essentielles Kriterium bei der Jobsuche. Mobiles Arbeiten wurde 2024 tendenziell etwas liberaler geregelt als noch zwei Jahre zuvor. Das Empowerment-Erleben ist im Durchschnitt recht hoch. New Work im engeren Sinne (also Arbeitsstrukturen, die Verantwortung und Macht neu verteilen für mehr Sinnerleben und Innovation) wird seltener praktiziert. Die am meisten verbreitete Praktik ist Kanban (11%), gefolgt von Scrum (8%). New Work geht einher mit erhöhtem Empowerment-Erleben, höherer Arbeitszufriedenheit, sowie besserer Life-Domain-Balance.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Historisches Orientieren in Zeiten des Krieges digital beforschen(hep Verlag, 2025) Schobinger, Jonas; Scheller, Jan; Nitsche, Martin; Nitsche, Martin; Thyroff, Julia; Waldis Weber, Monika04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Zur Konzeption und Durchführung eines Schulleitungsmonitorings im deutschsprachigen Bildungsraum – Chancen und Grenzen(Beltz Juventa, 2025) Groß Ophoff, Jana; Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz,Stefan; Tulowitzki, Pierre; Pietsch, Marcus; Cramer, Colin; Albers,Andrea; Jude, NinaZiel des Beitrags ist es, wichtige Schritte für die Konzipierung und Realisierung des Schullei-tungsmonitors zu beschreiben (u. a. Implementierung, Adressat:innen bzw. Rezipient:innen so-wie Disseminationsstrategie). Insbesondere verdeutlichen die aktuellen Ergebnisse einen län-derübergreifenden Bedarf an Vorabqualifizierung sowie an Fort- und Weiterbildung für Schullei-ter:innen, da es gerade in dieser Hinsicht deutliche Unterschiede zwischen Deutschland, der Schweiz und Österreich gibt. Ausgehend von dieser Darstellung wird der Schulleitungsmonitor anhand allgemeiner Merkmale von Bildungsmonitoringstudien erörtert, und zwar dahingehend, in welcher Hinsicht sich das Verfahren von den bereits vorliegenden und üblichen Varianten eines Bildungsmonitorings unterscheidet: So gibt es beim Schulleitungsmonitor beispielsweise keine Accountability-Komponente.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Participatory budgeting as an inclusive placemaking driver. Different European and American practices(Brill, 23.12.2024) Polko, Paulina; Mehan, Asma; Kimic, Kinga; Tappert, Simone; Suter, Aline; Petrovski, Aleksandar; Rotondo, Francesco; Djukic, Aleksandra; Hansen, Preben; Manahasa, Edmond; Fathi, Mastoureh; García-Esparza, Juan A.Participatory budgeting (PB) is a paradigm that empowers residents to directly decide how a portion of the public budget is spent. Specifically, residents deliberate over spending priorities and vote over how the budget should be allocated to different public projects. As such it is a mechanism of top-down transfer of decisions on the part of budgetary expenditure to citizens. In recent years, PB has become a central topic of discussion and an important field of innovation for those involved in local development, considered one of the most successful democratic innovations of the last 25 years. Participatory budgeting contributes significantly to participatory democracy, inclusiveness processes and placemaking, but some factors limit the scale of these aspects. However, a relatively simple idea – that “ordinary citizens” should have a direct say in public budgets that impact them – has travelled the world by the most unexpected routes and landed in unlikely sites. There is no precise model for PB programmes. While there are similar tenets and institutional mechanisms, PB programmes are structured in response to each city or state’s particular political, social and economic environment. Therefore, it is necessary to consider to what extent PB strengthens the discussed processes, whether it allows reaching new, inactive groups of citizens and includes them in the decision-making process regarding shaping public spaces. The popularity of this tool carries the risk that it will be used to build the image of local government instead of significantly increasing the participation of citizens in deciding on local public spaces. The chapter aims to present and analyse participatory budgeting practices in four European and North American countries (Switzerland, Poland, North Macedonia and the United States of America) to show the role of PB in placemaking processes by the levels and forms of participation, the analysis of representativeness of PB participants (inclusiveness), placemaking impact and its level of digitisation. The proposed comparative analysis allows for assessing the importance of the tool for increasing social participation, which is participatory budgeting, for understanding its limitations and suggesting directions for its improvement to shape more inclusive, friendly and open public spaces.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation Prototypische Baueingabeprüfung anhand eines digitalen Bauwerksmodell im Brandschutz(Institut Digitales Bauen FHNW, 20.12.2024) Pancera, Marc; Jost, EvelyneIm Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts «eGovernment im Brandschutz» wird im Auftrag der Fachstelle Brandschutz der Gebäudeversicherung Bern (GVB) untersucht, wie sich die Prozesse der Brandschutzprüfung zur Baubewilligung mit digitalen Bauwerksmodellen auf Seiten der Prüfungsinstanz verändern und prototypisch umgesetzt werden können. Dazu wird eine passende Software evaluiert und formale und fachliche Prüfregeln aufgesetzt, um die Brandschutzprüfung am Pilotprojekt «Waldeggstrasse Liebefeld» (Eingabe durch Losinger Marazzi SA) durchführen zu können.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Microstructures, phase and mechanical characterisation of Al2O3-ZrO2-TiO2 coating produced by atmospheric plasma spraying(Elsevier, 20.12.2024) Chang, Cynthia Sin Ting; Wyss, Marcus; Andrzejewski, Michal; Darut, Geoffrey; Graf, Lukas; Novak, Vladimir; Olbinado, Margie; Erpel, Susanne; Vogel, Alexander; Bode, Simon; de Wild, Michael; Salito, ArmandoThe microstructure, crystallographic phases, and mechanical properties of a newly developed Al2O3 – TiO2 – ZrO2 ternary ceramic coating were characterized. The coatings were produced by atmospheric plasma spraying as a preblended powder on Ti-6Al-4 V substrates using the new generation of the Debye-Larmor cascaded plasma torch. The 400 μm thick as-sprayed ternary ceramic coating is compact and neither delamination nor inter-/trans-granular cracks were found. The coating consists of single phase α-Al2O3, monoclinic m-ZrO2, and a nanocrystalline dual phase structure of α-Al2O3 and m-ZrO2. Ti is either present as ZrTiO4 or as solute in the dual phase. Cracking from the tip of the indent is rare and delamination was not observed after the progressive scratch test. The coating has potential in high wear applications for example in medical devices.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Global perspectives in history teaching (Podcast)(20.12.2024) Studer, Dominic; Holtberget, AndreasAndreas Holtberget is joined by Dominic Studer to talk about global history and why we should teach it. Dominic has over the last few years been working on a project titled Globalgeschichtliche Perspektiven im Schweizer Geschichtsunterricht (Global perspectives in Swiss History Education) and he shares some of the findings and results of this project. How did the Swiss teachers involved "globalise" the topics they teach and what did their students make of it all?07 - Audio- oder Videomaterial