2 Ergebnisse
Ergebnisse nach Hochschule und Institut
Publikation Durchführung einer Pilotstudie und explorative Untersuchung des Einflusses von unterschiedlichen Lernsettings und Lernaktivitäten auf den Lernerfolg in einer computerunterstützten Lernumgebung (FrameTrail)(14.01.2019) Arnold, MaxThis Master's thesis is affiliated to the research project "Digital Video Tools to Support Conceptual Understanding and Creative Learning in Individuals and Groups" at the University of Applied Psychology North-Western Switzerland (FHNW), funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). The aim was to conduct the laboratory experiment of the SNF project as a pilot study. On the other hand, the explorative investigation of the influence of learning settings and learning activities on the success of computer-aided learning environment (FrameTrail). The pilot study confirmed the feasibility and the impact of methods of the project study and served to develop and apply instruments. The hypotheses were examined using a multi-factor variance analysis of a data set on the project study (n=58), and explorative data of the pilot study (n=10). The research questions on learning successes cannot be conclusively clarified. Effects of the learning activities on its successes can be seen. Learners with generative learning activities achieved lower learning successes. This could provide indications for further research, but not concrete recommendations for the further development of learning environments.11 - Studentische ArbeitPublikation Bedeutsamkeit und Anwendbarkeit von Workshop-Inhalten eines Trainings zur mentalen Stresskompetenz nach Kaluza(2014) Arnold, Max; Kurth, Rahel; Bavorix AG11 - Studentische Arbeit