Institute for Competitiveness and Communication

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  • Publikation
    Drivers of customer satisfaction in outsourced software development projects
    (ACM, 2019) Helbling, Thomas; Ali, Shaukat
    The objective of this quantitative study is to evaluate the main drivers of customer satisfaction (CS) regarding outsourced software development projects and to demonstrate what actually matters in regard to CS. Positive cooperation and proactive communication with the customer are the most important drivers of CS. The economic outcome and the delivered software influence CS less strongly.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Avoiding the iceberg: conceptual and didactic alternatives to essentialist paradigms of intercultural communication
    (A Consortium of American Referred Publications Location, 2018) Thorrold, Craig; Ochsner, Andrea
    The dominant paradigm in the field of intercultural communication is the dimensional model of national cultures developed by Geert Hofstede and further elaborated by authors such as Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner, Richard Lewis and the authors of the GLOBE report. This model seeks to explain the behavior of individuals, especially in business contexts, through reference to numerical or relative values extrapolated from empirical data on the level of individual countries for a specific number of abstract variables that are supposedly connected with fundamental questions of social organization. This paradigm has enjoyed considerable favour in the area of intercultural studies, especially in the area of training, but in recent years it has also been subject to sustained critique from academics who have raised fundamental objections to its theoretical foundations, its methodology, its conclusions, and its claims to practical relevance. The current paper summarizes these objections and considers their
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Applying a trust lens to the study of international strategic alliance negotiations
    (Inderscience, 2019) Jeive, Michael
    This paper considers the value of applying a trust lens to the study of international strategic alliance negotiations. This paper considers that, in the context of international strategic alliances, negotiation is not limited to the process of reaching an initial agreement, but also includes the implementation and joint value creation phases. In a context where neither party has the power to enforce values on the other, the process of negotiating values and managing expectations brings the structures of the working relationship into sharp focus illuminating the ongoing process whereby agreed or accepted behavioural values emerge and begin to underpin the collaborative endeavour. Following a brief cultural diversion to show how the trust lens can illuminate the development of alliance culture, the paper provides an overview of key recent literature on the conception of trust and trust development before returning to a discussion of trust and negotiation and especially of the strategic alliances.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Modelling the choice of Vietnamese adolescents between school and work
    (Routledge, 2019) Hulliger, Beat; Thu, Nguyen Thi Hong
    Based on the Vietnamese Household Living Standard Survey (VHLSS) 2014, the factors of participation in education and/or labour market of Vietnamese adolescents in the age range 11 to 18 is studied. Children working too much, in particular at age 11 to 15, are actually in child labour, and also older adolescents may compromise their future due to sacrificing education for work. Many children in developing countries combine school and work and, in addition, the category inactive or ‘not in education, employment or training’ must be taken into account. Hence, the choice between four possible outcomes, school only, combining school and work, work only and inactivity, is analysed by a comprehensive discrete choice model. The conceptual model for our analysis considers, in addition to classical personal and household factors, also ethnicity, region, urbanicity and seven public development programmes. These factors are particularly important for the development policy of Vietnam. The complex design of the VHLSS needs proper weighting and adaptation of methods. Gender, age, income and the education of adults in the household have a strong impact on the choice. Ethnicity, urbanicity and regional disparities are relevant, too, but only two development programmes have a significant impact.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Leveraging CPE set texts for intercultural learning and critical literacy in business English programmes
    (2018) Thorrold, Craig
    Many advanced students in business degree programmes seek to gain the CPE qualification, as this certificate provides proof of proficiency in English at C2 level. Preparation for the CPE writing paper provides the opportunity to read and reflect on one or more set texts in order to answer one of the questions in Part 2 of the exam. In the CPE Handbook for teachers, it is explained that “[c]andidates who choose these questions will be expected to have a good knowledge of the text, or the film version, and to be able to deal with the themes and ideas of the chosen text” (Cambridge English Language Assessment, 2016, p. 24). However, “candidates are not expected to demonstrate skill in literary analysis” (Cambridge English Language Assessment, 2016, p. 24).
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Qualitätssicherende Strategien und Gütekriterien. Eine Studie der ‚C Walk‘-Szene auf YouTube
    (Springer, 2018) Eisemann, Christoph; Tillmann, Angela; Pentzold, Christian; Bischof, Andreas; Heise, Nele
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Forschungshintergrund und -methode
    (Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 2018) Kraft, Corin; Peter, Marc K.
    In diesem Kapitel wird das Vorgehen, das Ziel und der Zweck für die Studie zur KMU-Transformation erläutert. Ziel der Studie war es, die Forschungslücke zwischen Ist-Aufnahmen des Digitalisierungs-Standes von Schweizer Unternehmen und notwendigen Praxisempfehlungen zu schliessen
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    Die Digitale Transformation und Network Security
    (Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 2018) Kraft, Corin; Peter, Marc K.
    Der Think Tank vom 13. September 2018 behandelte das Thema Netzwerksicherheit im Zusammenhang mit der Digitalen Transformation. Nach der Präsentation der Studienresultate und wichtiger Modelle diskutierten die Teilnehmenden zentrale Aspekte der Cyber- und Netzwerksicherheit – inklusive aktuellen Problemstellungen und Lösungsansätzen.
    05 - Forschungs- oder Arbeitsbericht
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    Nicht nur die Performance glänzt
    (Verlag Finanz und Wirtschaft, 2019) Gamboni, Gianreto; Stiefelmeyer, René
    Nachhaltige Anlagen wachsen schneller als klassische. Halten sie auch bei der Performance mit? Ja, und das Rendite-Risiko-Verhältnis ist erst noch besser als bei traditionellen Anlagen, stellt der unabhängige Vermögensverwalter Hinder Asset Management fest. Gutes bewirken, in der Welt und im eigenen Portemonnaie.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
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    Persönliche und organisationale Integrität: ICH - ES - WIR - SIE
    (Deutsches Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik, 01/2018) Frischherz, Bruno; Renz, Patrick
    Abschließend fassen wir nochmals die wichtigsten Überlegungen zusammen. Als Kurzformel schlagen wir folgende Definition vor: Integrität nennen wir die Übereinstimmung beziehungsweise Ausrichtung von ethischen Werten im Denken und im Tun auf persönlicher und auf organisationaler Ebene. Die Grundlage dieser Definition bildeten die Quadranten der Integralen Theorie nach Wilber (ICH – ES – WIR – SIE), die wir hier als „Wertequadranten“ interpretiert und beschrieben haben. Die erfolgreiche Anwendung auf Fallbeispiele zeigt, dass diese mit ethischen Gesichtspunkten erweiterten Quadranten dabei hilfreich sind, Wertekonflikte zu analysieren und zu diskutieren. Als Bewertungsgrundlage für konfligierende Interessen, Ansprüche und Rechte dienen Konzepte aus der Tugendethik, Pflichtenethik, Anerkennungsethik und Diskursethik. Die vier Wertequadranten müssen untereinander kontinuierlich in Übereinstimmung gebracht werden, was damit zu einer Managementaufgabe wird. Integrität ist weniger ein Zusta
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung