

Gerade angezeigt 1 - 6 von 6
  • Publikation
    Attuned communication: Does giving students feedback improve their ability to take someone’s perspective?
    (2021) Vitacco, Jacqueline
    The business communication curriculum often conceptualizes "audience" as an abstract discourse community. Employers on the other hand expect business-school graduates to produce person-centered writing. To bridge the gap, we compared student submissions for a contextualized writing assignment before and after instructor intervention using text analysis methods and multiple reviewers.
    06 - Präsentation
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    Attuned communication – An activity for improving students’ ability to take someone’s perspective
    (2021) Vitacco, Jacqueline
    The business communication curriculum often conceptualizes “audience” as the general public or an abstract community of practice. Employers, on the other hand, expect business-school graduates to produce person-centered writing. To bridge the disconnect, we compared student submissions to a contextualized writing assignment before and after instructor feedback using text analysis methods and multiple reviewers in order to establish whether the feedback was able to improve their ability to take someone’s perspective.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Modelling Transformation of Corporate Communications in the Digital Age
    (Springer, 2021) Vitacco, Jacqueline [in: Society 5.0 2021. First International Conference, Society 5.0 2021. Virtual event, June 22-24, 2021. Revised selected papers]
    This article provides a brief overview on transformative trends in corporate communications based on a literature review. Furthermore, it presents a framework model on how to transform corporate communications in the digital age. The model is based on a grounded theory approach derived in a field study completed in 2015, which claims that more heterarchical structures in corporate communications are needed. In a subsequent project, the model is tested in an ongoing exploratory study. Based on the learnings from the two studies, we suggest a new model on how to organize corporate communications in the digital age. At the center of the new model are written and audio-visual content, created by associates in a collaborative process and supported by the organization.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Vom Sparen zum Anlegen - digital unterstützt
    (Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 2022) Falci, Alessio; Bottini, Ricardo; Vitacco, Jacqueline; Raiffeisen, St. Gallen
    Niedrige Zinsen und hohe Inflation zeigen zunehmend, dass das Sparen auf dem Sparkonto immer weniger lukrativ ist. Die Digitalisierung bietet neue Möglichkeiten für die Geldanlage. Ein breiter Teil der Schweizer Bevölkerung ist jedoch nach wie vor zurückhaltend, wenn es darum geht, Geld anzulegen. Während digitale Anlageprodukte in den USA erfolgreich sind, scheint der Durchbruch in der Schweiz nicht zu gelingen. Es ist daher notwendig zu verstehen, was hinter der Zurückhaltung steckt und inwieweit Anlagen für jüngere Generationen geeignet sind.
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
  • Publikation
    Open Banking: Chancen & Risiken für eine Schweizer Universalbank Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse unter Einbezug von Kunden- und Mitarbeitenden-Bedürfnisse
    (Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW, 2023) Bajrami, Lendresa; Sabapathipillai, Arulvile; Vitacco, Jacqueline; Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
    Open Banking verändert traditionelle Geschäftsmodelle und schafft Raum für innovative Finanzdienstleistungen. Datenschutz- und Sicherheit sowie Mehrwert für die Kundschaft sind dabei zentrale Anliegen. Das Kundenvertrauen muss gewahrt bleiben, während gleichzeitig innovative Wege gefordert werden, um die Kundenbindung zu stärken und das Angebot kundenorientiert auszubauen. Die Integration von Wealth Management und Multibanking in das Open Banking-Framework stellt hierbei eine vielversprechende Option dar, die es ermöglicht, den Kundinnen und Kunden Mehrwert zu bieten.
    11 - Studentische Arbeit
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    Challenges of implementing zero waste strategies in the gastronomy industry
    (2021) Daub, Claus-Heinrich; Gerhard, Carole; Altermatt, Monisser; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut [in: Proceedings of the first international conference on society 5.0]
    This case tells the story of the Café spurlos which aims at becoming a zero waste business and thus making a significant contribution to combating one of the greatest challenges facing society today: the transformation of the eco-nomic system into a circular economy. Besides the COVID-crisis and the thereof resulting issues, the café also faces challenges related to its vision of incorporat-ing the zero waste philosophy in its concept. The case explores the complexity of zero waste, analyses further hurdles for zero waste endeavors in the gastronomy industry and illustrates the constant balancing act of social businesses between staying true to one’s mission and catering to the needs, wants and expectations of the market.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift