Leimstoll, Uwe

Leimstoll, Uwe


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    The Importance of ICT: An Empirical Study in Swiss SMEs
    (2006) Schubert, Petra; Leimstoll, Uwe [in: Proceedings of the 19th International Bled eConference on eValues]
    The following paper presents results from a longitudinal study about the importance and use of information and communication technology in Swiss small and medium-sized companies. In an empirical survey, 989 questionnaires were collected and analysed (return rate 17 %). The results were weighted according to company size and industry sector and are thus representative for Switzerland. The findings show that Swiss SMEs ? in their self assessment ? manage to gain (competitive) advantages from the deployment of information and communication technology. ICT is universally used (even) in (small and medium-sized) companies. There is a high degree of inter-organisational ICT use. ICT know-how and awareness are strongly rooted in management. The general conclusion is that IT matters for Swiss SMEs.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Mass customization through B2B integration at Kaved AG
    (2005) Leimstoll, Uwe [in: Proceedings of the 11th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2005)]
    Kaved AG, a subsidiary of the Swiss Dätwyler Holding, mass-produces cabling systems for the engineering, instruments and elevator industry. Kaved is a strategically important supplier to the Schindler Group. The value-enhancing partnership between Kaved and Schindler is supported both by external integration of information systems and an internal network comprising an ERP system and computer-integrated manufacture. This form of e-business support enables machine production of complex and variable cabling systems for elevators. This has opened up an enormous potential for increased efficiency.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Selling Books Online: An Evaluation of Australian and Swiss E-Shops
    (2005) Leimstoll, Uwe; Kurnia, Sherah; Schubert, Petra [in: Proceedings of the 18th Bled eConference, eIntegration in Action]
    The Extended Web Assessment Method (EWAM) is an evaluation tool specifically created for the assessment of electronic commerce applications. One of the oldest evaluation methods of its kind, EWAM has been revised and improved over the years. The method is based on an evaluation grid that includes a set of criteria with which to appraise the quality and success of e-commerce applications. The focus is on consumer perspectives and the specific features of the Internet as a medium. In this paper, we used the EWAM tool for the comparative analysis of Australian and Swiss Web sites in the retail sector, more specifically for the evaluation of e-shops whose main business is selling books. The findings show that most of the Web sites assessed do not fully meet the expectations of consumers.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    An Evaluation of Australian and Swiss E-Shops in the Grocery Sector
    (2005) Kurnia, Sherah; Schubert, Petra; Leimstoll, Uwe [in: Proceedings of the 38th HICSS Conference]
    The Extended Web Assessment Method (EWAM) is an evaluation tool specifically created for the assessment of electronic commerce applications. The method is based on an evaluation grid that includes a set of criteria with which to appraise the quality and success of e-commerce applications. The focus is on consumer perspectives and the specific features of the Internet as a medium. In this paper, we used the EWAM tool for a comparative analysis of Australian and Swiss e-shops selling grocery products. Using a comparative study between two different countries, we explored patterns for success or failure of such online applications. In general, the findings show that web sites in both countries do not fully meet the expectations of consumers. General expectations of consumers in online grocery shopping were explored and highlighted in this study.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Cost savings and other benefits in the management of replacement parts
    (Fachhochschule beider Basel (FHBB), Institute for Business Economics, Basel, Switzerland, 22.09.2002) Leimstoll, Uwe; Schubert, Petra; Leimstoll, Uwe [in: Proceedings of the 9th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets]
    Migros, the largest retailer in Switzerland offers its customers comprehensive customer service. This case study describes the organisation of the process of obtaining replacement parts from the supplier to the end customer. This process is carried out by the service provider M-Service with the help of integrated information systems. Particular attention is given to an electronic multi-supplier catalog, which significantly increases efficiency and effectiveness in the procurement of replacement parts.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Fallstudie Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund: Ersatzteilmanagement
    (Hanser, 2002) Leimstoll, Uwe; Schubert, Petra; Wölfle, Ralf; Dettling, Walter [in: Procurement im E-Business: Einkaufs- und Verkaufsprozesse elektronisch optimieren]
    Migros, das grösste Detailhandelsunternehmen der Schweiz, bietet seinen Kunden einen umfassenden Kundendienst an. Die Fallstudie beschreibt die Organisation des Beschaffungsprozesses für Ersatzteile vom Lieferanten bis zum Endkunden. Dieser Prozess wird durch den Beschaffungsdienstleister M-Service mit Hilfe von integrierten Informationssystemen geführt. Besonderes Augenmerk wird einem elektronischen Multilieferantenkatalog geschenkt, der die Effizienz und die Effektivität der Ersatzteilbeschaffung deutlich erhöht.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Personalization of E-Commerce Applications in SMEs: Conclusions from an Empirical Study in Switzerland
    (Fachhochschule beider Basel (FHBB), Institute for Business Economics, Basel, Switzerland, 2002) Schubert, Petra; Leimstoll, Uwe; Schubert, Petra; Leimstoll, Uwe [in: Proceedings of the 9th Research Symposium on Emerging Electronic Markets]
    Personalization of E-Commerce applications is an issue that is gaining increasing importance with the advancing maturity of such systems. There is already E-Commerce software on the market offering integrated E-shop and personalization functions. However, the available software is too time-consuming and expensive for SMEs. With this in mind we saw a need to investigate the potential for personalization from the particular angle of SMEs. Besides the theoretical fundamentals of personalization this paper will present the results of an empirical study. With the help of a survey we investigated the application potential for personalization tools in Swiss companies. The conclusions show that SMEs are (still) sceptical towards E-Commerce applications which include personalization. It furthermore becomes clear that the heterogeneity of organizational and technical conditions hinders the development of standardized tools.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift