Kropp, Martin

Kropp, Martin


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  • Publikation
    aWall: A Socio-Cognitive Tool for Agile Team Collaboration using Large Multi-Touch Wall Systems
    (ACM, 2015) Kropp, Martin; Mateescu, Magdalena; Burkhard, Roger; Zahn, Carmen; Vischi, Dario [in: ITS' 15 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces (ITS 2015)]
    Agile methods emphasize highly interactive and close collaboration within teams and among stakeholders. Due to still missing adequate digital tools, agile teams use mostly physical artefacts like wallboards and story cards. In this paper, we present aWall, an agile team collaboration tool for large multi-touch wall systems. aWall was designed based on empirical user research using new interaction and visualization concepts to support and foster the highly collaborative and communicative agile work style. The application is based on web technology and can be used in both co-located and distributed setting. The implemented prototypes were validated with end-users in a user workshop.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    aWall: A Socio-Cognitive Tool for Agile Team Collaboration using Large Multi-Touch Wall Systems
    (ACM, 2015) Kropp, Martin; Mateescu, Magdalena; Burkhard, Roger; Zahn, Carmen; Vischi, Dario [in: ITS' 15 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces]
    Agile methods emphasize highly interactive and close collaboration within teams and among stakeholders. Due to still missing adequate digital tools, agile teams use mostly physical artefacts like wallboards and story cards. In this paper, we present aWall, an agile team collaboration tool for large multi-touch wall systems. aWall was designed based on empirical user research using new interaction and visualization concepts to support and foster the highly collaborative and communicative agile work style. The application is based on web technology and can be used in both co-located and distributed setting. The implemented prototypes were validated with end-users in a user workshop. In the demo, users can experience the interaction and visualization concepts hands-on.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Qualitative Study of Successful Agile Software Development Projects
    (12/2014) Kropp, Martin; Meier, Andreas [in: IMVS Fokus Report]
    Various studies show that the agile method has become a mainstream methodology for software development. When agile pioneers introduced this approach, they executed very successful projects which lead to the enormous popularity of agile development. With becoming mainstream, less experienced teams started to apply the agile approaches and news about failed agile projects appeared. This raises the question, what it needs to conduct successful agile projects. In a qualitative study we asked IT companies about the essential success factors in their successful agile projects. We found that there was a strong focus on engineering and management best practices. We found that when these practices did not work, mature teams sensed that following a recipe is not sufficient, and they started adapting the agile process to their needs. Applying a sense-making methodology like the Cynefin framework, theoretically explains our observations in the study.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Publikation
    New sustainable teaching approaches in software engineering education
    (IEEE, 2014) Kropp, Martin; Meier, Andreas [in: 2014 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON)]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Teaching Agile Software Development at University Level
    (12/2013) Kropp, Martin; Meier, Andreas [in: IMVS Fokus Report]
    Several recent surveys show that agile methodologies like Scrum, Extreme Programming and Kanban have been successfully adopted by many companies for software development. However, the same surveys show that only few of the agile practices are applied consequently and thoroughly. This is to a great extent due to the lack of skilled personnel. In this paper we propose a more holistic approach for teaching agile software development, in which the required agile practices and values are not only integrated theoretically into our courses but also practically applied. The proposed concept was realized in a new a course at Zurich University of Applied Sciences during 2012. The evaluation shows very encouraging results.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Publikation
    Teaching agile software development at university level. Values, management, and craftsmanship
    (IEEE, 2013) Kropp, Martin; Meier, Andreas; Ardis, Mark [in: 2013 IEEE 26th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T 2013)]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Vermittlung von agiler Softwareentwicklung im Unterricht
    (RWTH Aachen University, 2013) Kropp, Martin; Meier, Andreas; Spillner, Andreas; Lichter, Horst [in: Tagungsband des 13. Workshops: SEUH - Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen]
    Über den Hype hinaus, der um agile Softwareentwicklung entstanden ist, zeigen verschiedene Umfragen, dass dieses Vorgehen in der Praxis in verschiedener Hinsicht tatsächlich zu Verbesserungen in der Durchführung von Software-Projekten führt. Firmen, die agile Methoden einsetzen, geben an, dass sie seither zufriedener mit ihrem Entwicklungsprozess sind und insbesondere der Umgang mit Anforderungsänderungen sich wesentlich verbessert hat. Andererseits sind entsprechend ausgebildete Fachleute jedoch Mangelware. In der Praxis sind deshalb Software Ingenieure mit Kompetenzen in agilen Methoden sehr gefragt. Was bedeutet dies für die Software-Technik Ausbildung an Hochschulen? Was sind die speziellen Herausforderungen? Wie kann agile Software Entwicklung, die neben konkreten Techniken und Praktiken auf der individuellen Ebene, auch auf Team-Ebene und Werte-Ebene spezielle Anforderungen stellt, überhaupt vermittelt werden? Wie kann die Ausbildung von agiler Softwareentwicklung in die Ingenieur-Ausbildung integriert werden? In diesem Artikel stellen wir unser Konzept zur Ausbildung von agilen Methoden an Hochschulen vor und berichten über unsere Erfahrungen als Dozierende.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Teaching agile software development at university level: Values, management, and craftsmanship
    (IEEE, 2013) Kropp, Martin; Meier, Andreas; Ardis, Mark; Cowling, Tony; Bohner, Shawn [in: 2013 26th International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T): Proceedings]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    ReFit: A Fit test maintenance plug-in for the Eclipse refactoring plug-in
    (IEEE, 2013) Kropp, Martin; Druk, Michael [in: 2013 3rd International Workshop on Developing Tools as Plug-Ins (TOPI): Proceedings]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Automatisierung von Systemtests im industriellen Umfeld
    (12/2011) Kellner, Anja; Kropp, Martin [in: IMVS Fokus Report]
    Continuous Integration Umgebungen werden in der Regel im Software-Entwicklungszyklus für die kontinuierliche Integration der Software eingesetzt. In diesem Artikel zeigen wir, dass sich solche Systeme auch hervorragend für die Realisierung von automatisierten Testinfrastrukturen im industriellen Umfeld eignen. Im vorliegenden Anwendungsfall wird damit eine fast vollständig automatisierte System- und Akzeptanztestumgebung von Softwareprodukten zur Überwachung und Steuerung von Messtechnik-Sensoren erreicht.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung