Kassis, Wassilis

Kassis, Wassilis


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    Resilience development of Swiss adolescents. A convergent mixed-methods approach
    (MDPI, 2024) Kassis, Wassilis; Graf, Ulrike; Rietz, Christian; Widmer, Franziska [in: Education Sciences]
    Introduction: We applied a convergent mixed-methods research design, focusing on data from Swiss students to identify patterns of resilience development in high school. Method: The study consisted of an online longitudinal survey conducted in two waves, in autumn 2019 (n = 377 grade seven) and spring 2021 (n = 257 grade eight). By combining latent transition analysis (LTA), a person-oriented quantitative method, and qualitative content analysis, we detected four resilience patterns. Results: The longitudinal survey revealed a decrease in the “blooming” pattern (students who displayed high levels of individual and social support indicators as well as satisfaction with their grades and academic success measures) over time and, on the other hand, an increase in the “challenged” pattern, suggesting larger numbers of students with low levels of social support and academic success. Additionally, qualitative interviews were conducted with four students from the sample. These interviews provided insights into the stressors; coping experiences, skills, processes, and resources; and outcomes related to resilience. Discussion: The analysis revealed key factors contributing to resilience, including empowering experiences, supportive individuals, self-help as a prioritized resource, and a positive school environment. Merging the data has elicited various claims such as improving both home and school environments, along with focusing on elaborating their interplay, is the most efficacious approach to bolstering resilience.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Social and individual factors predicting students’ resilience. A multigroup structural equation model
    (MDPI, 2023) Kassis, Wassilis; Vasiou, Aikaterini; Govaris, Christos; Favre, Céline Anne; Aksoy, Dilan; Graf, Ulrike [in: Education Sciences]
    We investigated students’ resilience predictors during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a two-wave longitudinal sample (n = 713) of students from Greece, Germany, and Switzerland (eighth grade in autumn 2020 and ninth grade in autumn 2021), we determined which social and individual predictors longitudinally predicted resilience before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. We identified the high likelihood of individual factors (self-esteem, self-efficacy) fostering resilience by social factors (teacher, parents, and social resources). Multigroup structural equation modeling analyses demonstrated that the adolescent population was best typified by two growth trajectory classes: a low-anxiety class characterized by a low initial level of depression/anxiety and a high-anxiety class characterized by a higher initial level of depression/anxiety. The model was gender-, migration-, and country-invariant. Overall, the model showed that teachers overlook adolescents with high anxiety or depression levels, but parents support them more. These findings highlight the necessity to pay attention to students’ depression or anxiety symptoms and to satisfy their basic psychological needs, as vital prerequisites for their meaningful, coherent engagement in modern societies despite the odds.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Individual and social predictors of Greek early adolescents’ self-determination. A longitudinal structural equation analysis
    (Hellenic Psychological Society, 2023) Kassis, Wassilis; Vasiou, Aikaterini; Govaris, Christos; Rietz, Christian; Graf, Ulrike [in: Psychology: the Journal of the Hellenic Psychological Society]
    Given that early adolescence is a dynamic and vulnerable developmental period, it is important to examine factors that promote adolescents’ individual development and, more specifically, the satisfaction of psychological needs within the framework of self-determination theory. In a two-wave longitudinal sample (N = 218) of Greek adolescents (eighth grade in autumn 2020 and ninth grade in autumn 2021), we used structural equation modeling to determine which individual and social factors longitudinally predict autonomy, competence, and relatedness. The examination of these psychological needs is regarded as a necessary step in designing school-based prevention and intervention programs for adolescents. Individual factors, such as self-esteem, self-efficacy, and depression or anxiety, foster self-determination through social factors, such as recognition and support from teacher and parents, and social resources. Adolescents with a migration background showed lower levels of social factors. The model was gender invariant and indicated that social agents (teachers and parents) and social resources predict a very large proportion of variance in early adolescents’ individual development. These findings support the view that early adolescents’ development depends on social factors through the satisfaction of psychological needs.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Minority and majority adolescents’ attitudes toward mutual acculturation and its association with psychological adjustment
    (Springer, 06.04.2022) Sidler, Petra; Baysu, Gülseli; Kassis, Wassilis; Janousch, Clarissa; Chouvati, Raia; Govaris, Christos; Graf, Ulrike; Rietz, Christian [in: Journal of Youth and Adolescence]
    Although acculturation is considered a mutual process, no measure assesses attitudes toward mutual acculturation. Through a novel four-dimensional measurement, this study addresses this research gap by assessing attitudes toward minority and majority acculturation and its relation to psychological adjustment for immigrant-background minority and non-immigrant majority adolescents in public secondary schools in three European countries: in Germany (n = 346, 46% female, Mage = 12.78 years, range 11–16), Greece (n = 439, 56% female, Mage = 12.29 years, range 11–20), and Switzerland (n = 375, 47% female, Mage = 12.67 years, range 11–15). Latent profile analyses led to three distinct acculturation profiles in all three countries: strong and mild mutual integration profiles, where both migrant and majority students are expected to integrate, and a third profile assuming lower responsibility upon the majority. Additionally, those in the strong- and mild-integration profiles reported stronger psychological adjustment than those assuming lower responsibility upon the majority, which held for all students in Switzerland and mostly for those without a migration background in Germany. The findings demonstrate the importance of a mutual acculturation framework for future research. Moreover, as most adolescents fit in with one of the mutual integration patterns, findings stress that no matter their migration background, adolescents favor mutual integration including the expectation on schools to enhance intercultural contact.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Resilience profiles across context: A latent profile analysis in a German, Greek, and Swiss sample of adolescents
    (Public Library of Science, 27.01.2022) Janousch, Clarissa; Anyan, Frederick; Kassis, Wassilis; Morote, Roxanna; Hjemdal, Odin; Sidler, Petra; Graf, Ulrike; Rietz, Christian; Chouvati, Raia; Govaris, Christos [in: PLOS ONE]
    The present study investigated resilience profiles (based on levels of symptoms of anxiety and depression and five dimensions of protective factors) of 1,160 students from Germany (n = 346, 46.0% females, Mage = 12.77, SDage = 0.78), Greece (n = 439, 54.5% females, Mage = 12.68, SDage = 0.69), and Switzerland (n = 375, 44.5% females, Mage = 12.29, SDage = 0.88) using latent profile analyses. We also checked for measurement invariance and investigated the influence of gender and migration on class membership. A three-profilesolution was found for Switzerland (nonresilient 22.1%, moderately resilient 42.9%, untroubled 34.9%), and a four-profile-solution was the best fitting model for Germany (nonresilient 15.7%, moderately resilient 44.2%, untroubled 27.3%, resilient 12.7%) and Greece (nonresilient 21.0%, moderately resilient 30.8%, untroubled 24.9%, resilient 23.3%). Measurement invariance did not hold across the three countries. Profile differences regarding class membership predictions were detected for Germany and Greece, but none for Switzerland. Results implicate that resilience profiles are highly contextually sensitive, and resilience research findings should not be generalized considering the particularity of contexts, people, and outcomes.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Professionalisierung inklusionsspezifisch. Inklusionsspezifische Haltungen, Einstellungen und eingeschätzte Kompetenzen von Lehramtsstudierenden. Ein internationaler Vergleich
    (Klinkhardt, 14.09.2021) Luder, Reto; Kassis, Wassilis; Graf, Ulrike; Kunz, André; Iwers, Telse; Graf, Ulrike [in: Vielfalt thematisieren]
    Fokussiert wird die Frage, welche inklusionsspezifischen Haltungen, Einstellungen sowie eingeschätzte Kompetenzen angehende Lehrpersonen so fördern, dass sie mit Gewissheit die Aussage „Aufgrund meiner bisherigen Ausbildung fühle ich mich qualifiziert, eine inklusive Klasse zu übernehmen“ sowie andere vergleichbare Statements vertreten können. Über ein Semester ist an beiden Hochschulen wenig bis keine Bewegung zu verzeichnen. Greift für Inklusion in hochschulischer Lehre also primär das Matthäus-Prinzip: „Wer hat, dem wird gegeben“?
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
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    A cross-national validation of the shortened version of the adolescent stress questionnaire (ASQ-S) among adolescents from Switzerland, Germany, and Greece
    (Frontiers Research Foundation, 09.04.2021) Ertanir, Beyhan; Rietz, Christian; Graf, Ulrike; Kassis, Wassilis [in: Frontiers in Psychology]
    The experience of stress is receiving increasing attention in the context of adolescent mental health, which is why a valid and reliable stress assessment instrument is of great importance. For this purpose, an English-language adolescent stress questionnaire (ASQ) was developed, which assesses the subjective stress experience of adolescents in different areas of life (e.g., at home, at school, and during leisure time). However, the latest long version of the questionnaire with 56 items (ASQ-2) was found to be too extensive, so a more economical short version ASQ-S with 27 items was developed. The aim of this study was to validate a German and a Greek version of the ASQ-S. In order to investigate the psychometric properties of the German and Greek ASQ-S confirmatory factor analysis, analyses of variance and correlations were applied to sample data from Switzerland, Germany, and Greece ( = 1,071 seventh-grade students; = 12.53; = 0.76). The results yielded only poor to moderate internal reliability across all three countries and the suggested 9-dimensional factor structure could not be confirmed. Instead, a modified 6-factor structure was tested which showed acceptable model fits while demonstrating form invariance across the three countries. Furthermore, the ASQ-S scales correlated positively with depressive symptoms and anxiety and negatively with self-esteem and life satisfaction, all of which supported adequate concurrent validity. The results revealed that the utility of the ASQ-S appears to be limited when translated to other languages and should be used with caution when administered in international contexts.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    The role of received social support and self-efficacy for the satisfaction of basic psychological needs in teacher education
    (Routledge, 2019) Kassis, Wassilis; Graf, Ulrike; Keller, Roger; Ding, Kathrin; Rohlfs, Carsten [in: European Journal of Teacher Education]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Resilienzförderung von und mit Lehrkräften und Erzieher/innen. Über Wirkungen eines gestaltpädagogisch orientierten Supervisions- und Community of Practice-Ansatzes
    (Klinkhardt, 2019) Graaf, Ulrike; Kassis, Wassilis; Kourkoutas, Elias; Hart, Angie; Becker, Ulrike; Graf, Ulrike; Iwers, Telse [in: Beziehungen bilden]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband