Zahn, Carmen

Zahn, Carmen


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  • Publikation
    How do enhanced videos support generative learning and conceptual understanding in individuals and groups?
    (Springer, 25.08.2023) Ruf, Alessia; Zahn, Carmen; Roos, Anna-Lena; Opwis, Klaus [in: Educational technology research and development]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    What if the computer crashes? Findings from an exploratory factor analysis on stressors in online exams
    (06/2022) Jeitziner, Loris Tizian; Roos, Anna-Lena; Ruf, Alessia; Zahn, Carmen
    The pandemic has forced higher education to shift from onsite to online environments. This novel situation may increase students’ exam stress and induce new stressors. In the present study, we identified stressors in online exams by conducting an exploratory factor analysis of a novel questionnaire. The analysis revealed five factors that categorize students’ experience of stress. Preliminary descriptive results suggest that possible system failures and social pressures cause the highest stress for students.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Aesthetic design of app interfaces and their impact on secondary students’ interest and learning
    (Elsevier, 2022) Ruf, Alessia; Zahn, Carmen; Agotai, Doris; Iten, Glena; Opwis, Klaus [in: Computers & Education]
    Interest in science topics is an important prerequisite for science learning and achievement. Here, as part of a field experiment, we studied whether teenagers’ interest and learning of physics topics would be influenced by the aesthetics of a multimedia learning app. More specifically, we investigated with the example of learning about energy (types of power plants) how different interface designs of a multimedia learning app would influence aesthetic experience, interest, and learning outcome. In our study Swiss high school students (N = 108) were assigned to one of two conditions (i.e., game-style vs. industrial-style) differing in various aesthetic features. Results indicate that high-quality interfaces support learning and expressive aesthetic design features additionally foster interest in order to engage with the topic. Moreover, our findings on aesthetic experience suggest that deep perceptual processes, such as emotion and cognitive stimulation induced by interfaces, further impact interest and learning. Thus, our study gives implications for the design of interest-generating and learning-supporting science apps for teenagers and emphasizes the significance to consider aesthetic experience in future research.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Video Data Collection and Video Analyses in CSCL Research
    (Springer, 04/2021) Zahn, Carmen; Ruf, Alessia; Goldman, Ricki; Cress, Ulrike; Rosé, Carolyn; Wise, Alyssa Friend; Oshima, Jun [in: International Handbook of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning]
    The purpose of this chapter is to examine significant advances in the collection and analysis of video data in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) research. We demonstrate how video-based studies create robust and dynamic research processes. The chapter starts with an overview of how video analysis developed within CSCL by way of its pioneering roots. Linked throughout the chapter are the theoretical, methodological, and technological advances that keep advancing CSCL research. Specific empirical and experimental research examples will illustrate current and future advances in data collection, transformation, coding, and analysis. Research benefits and challenges that include the current state of understanding from observations of single, multiple, or 360° camera recordings will also be featured. In addition, eye-tracking and virtual reality environments for collecting and analyzing video data are discussed as they become new foci for future CSCL research.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Impact of learners’ video interactions on learning success and cognitive load
    (International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2021) Ruf, Alessia; Leisner, David; Zahn, Carmen; Opwis, Klaus; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy; de Wever, Bram; Oshima, Jun [in: 14th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning – CSCL 2021]
    Enhanced video-based learning environments provide new tools (e.g., hyperlinks) – along with the well-known basic video control tools (e.g., play, pause, rewind) – that afford learners‘ enhanced interaction with videos. With these tools, learners can actively transform existing videos into their own hypervideo structures by adding hyperlinks and own materials. Unlike research on basic control tools that has revealed positive impacts on learning, research on enhanced tools is still rare and conflicting. It is thus open, whether the tools support generative interested learning or put too much extrinsic cognitive load onto learners. In the present study, we investigated the effects of video annotation and hyperlinking tools on learning success and cognitive load by analyzing tool-related interaction behavior data of 141 university students. Results indicated that the frequent use of enhanced video tools positively predicted learning success and a decrease in cognitive load. Implications of these results are discussed.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Introducing a new approach for investigating learning behavior
    (International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2021) Ruf, Alessia; Niederhauser, Mario; Jäger, Joscha; Zahn, Carmen; Opwis, Klaus; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy; de Wever, Bram; Oshima, Jun [in: 14th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning – CSCL 2021]
    The potential of learners’ video interactions to understand learning behavior has been recognized in previous research. However, little research has yet been conducted on enhanced video-based environments using behavior sequence analyses. Hence, we developed Logible, a sensitive, web-based tool to detect and analyze meaningful behavior sequences of learners interacting with such environments. The tool is based on an iterative method. With Logible we were able to visualize learning behavior and emphasize differences in experimental conditions.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Logible: Detecting, Analyzing and Visualizing Behavior Sequences for Investigating Learning Behavior
    (International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2021) Ruf, Alessia; Jäger, Joscha; Niederhauser, Mario; Zahn, Carmen; Opwis, Klaus; Wichmann, Astrid; Hoppe, H. Ulrich; Rummel, Nikol [in: General Proceedings of the 1st Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences 2021]
    Logible is a highly sensitive web-based interactive tool that automatically detects behavior sequences from raw log files. It further analyzes and visualizes sequences and allows for comparisons of behavior data between different experimental conditions without the use of other software. Logible was developed based on an iterative, exploratory, and rule-based method devised to find meaningful sequences from 92 data sets of students who learned individually or collaboratively with an enhanced video-based environment. The tool is customizable and thus enables researchers to investigate learning behavior with various kinds of sequentially logged interaction data (from web-based video environments, online learning platforms etc.).
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Die digitale Transformation in die Arbeitswelt 4.0
    (VQP, 2020) Peter, Marc K.; Kraft, Corin; Ruf, Alessia; Zahn, Carmen; Nachtwei, Jens; Sureth, Antonia [in: Sonderband Zukunft der Arbeit]
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Die Digitale Transformation in die Arbeitswelt 4.0
    (2020) Peter, Marc K.; Kraft, Corin; Ruf, Alessia; Zahn, Carmen [in: HR Consulting Review]
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift