Rack, Oliver

Rack, Oliver


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Beyond words: investigating non-verbal indicators of collaborative engagement in a virtual synchronous CSCL environment

2024-08-14, Jeitziner, Loris Tizian, Paneth, Lisa, Rack, Oliver, Zahn, Carmen

In the future of higher education, student learning will become more virtual and group-oriented, and this new reality of academic learning comes with challenges. Positive social interactions in virtual synchronous student learning groups are not self-evident but need extra support. To successfully support positive social interactions, the underlying group processes, such as collaborative group engagement, need to be understood in detail, and the important question arises: How can collaborative group engagement be assessed in virtual group learning settings? A promising methodological approach is the observation of students’ non-verbal behavior, for example, in videoconferences. In an exploratory field study, we observed the non-verbal behavior of psychology students in small virtual synchronous learning groups solving a complex problem via videoconferencing. The groups were videorecorded to analyze possible relations between their non-verbal behaviors and to rate the quality of collaborative group engagement


The relationships between team process variables and conflict types - a systematic review

2023-07-09, Merz, Nora, Vollmer, Albert, Rack, Oliver

The increasing use of teams within organizational contexts has led to a significant stream of literature examining the impact and consequences of intra-group conflicts on team outcomes. The purpose of this review is to identify and analyze process factors and emergent states in conflict research in terms of their impact on the relationship between conflict types (task, relationship, process and interest-based) and team effectiveness. A systematic literature search was conducted resulting in 182 articles included in the second screening. The preliminary results indicate different process factors and emergent states like conflict management styles and team cohesion. The results of the review give an overview of the process variables in conflicts and can be used to identify key factors for managing conflicts within teams. Furthermore, it can guide the development of interventions and training programs.


Grundbausteine engagierter Zusammenarbeit in Lerngruppen

2021, Zahn, Carmen, Rack, Oliver, Paneth, Lisa, Geramanis, Olaf, Hutmacher, Stefan, Walser, Lukas

Verlässliche Kooperation in Zeiten der Digitalisierung basiert auf Gruppenprozessen. In diesem Kapitel wird herausgearbeitet, wie eine hohe Qualität engagierter Zusammenarbeit in Gruppen auf verschiedenen Ebenen - sowohl kognitiv-aufgabenbezogen als auch interpersonell-emotional - beschrieben werden kann. Dabei geht es um die praxisrelevante Frage, wie digital unterstütztes Lernen etwa im Hochschulstudium bezüglich der Qualität des gemeinsamen Engagements in Studierendengruppen besser gefördert werden kann. Denn: eine verlässliche Kooperation in Zeiten der Digitalisierung muss gelernt werden. Hochschulen leisten einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Realisierung verlässlicher Kooperation, wenn sie Studierende gezielt in kollaborativen Lehr- und Lernsituationen fördern und fordern, in denen Gruppenprozesse effektiv und effizient zu gestalten sind. Von besonderer Bedeutung ist es dabei, digital unterstützte Lehr-/Lernszenarien zu entwickeln, in denen Studierende Gelegenheit haben, mit digitalen Werkzeugen zu arbeiten, diese in der Gruppenarbeit anzuwenden und auszuprobieren, um damit komplexe Probleme zu lösen und Teamkompetenzen zu erwerben.


Zooming in: The role of nonverbal behavior in sensing the quality of collaborative group engagement

2024-05-16, Paneth, Lisa, Jeitziner, Loris Tizian, Rack, Oliver, Opwis, Klaus, Zahn, Carmen


A multi-method approach to capture quality of collaborative group engagement

2023, Paneth, Lisa, Jeitziner, Loris Tizian, Rack, Oliver, Zahn, Carmen, Damsa, Crina, Borge, Marcela, Koh, Elizabeth, Worsley, Marcelo

Multi-method approaches are an emerging trend in CSCL research as they allow to paint a more comprehensive picture of complex group learning processes than using a single method. In this contribution, we combined measures from different data sources to capture the quality of collaborative group engagement (QCGE) in CSCL-groups: QCGE-self-assessments, QCGE-ratings of verbal group communication, and video recorded nonverbal group behaviors. Using different methods of analysis, we visualized, described, and analyzed the data and related the measures to each other. Here, we present results suggesting that measures from different data sources are interrelated: For instance, nonverbal behavior (like nodding the head) is related to high QCGE-ratings of verbal communications. Results are preliminary and show disparities, too. Yet, we conclude that the multi-method approach results in a more comprehensive understanding of QCGE. Feasibility and suitability of the multi-method approach are discussed and conclusions for future research are drawn.


Coding and Counting- Frequency Analysis for Group Interaction

2018, Rack, Oliver, Zahn, Carmen, Mateescu, Magdalena, Brauner, Elisabeth, Boos, Margarete, Kolbe, Michaela

The basic idea of this chapter is to provide an introduction to the design and conduct of frequency analysis for group research. Frequency analysis has been commonly used for decades in several disciplines and fields of research as stand alone procedures (e.g., configural frequency analysis in clinical psychology, Lienert, 1971). But, despite of specialised articles in experimental psychology journals (e.g., Wickens, 1993), the description of frequency analysis as a specific method within group studies (e.g., coding group interaction data like chat protocols, then calculating frequencies across categories) is rare. This is remarkable, because the interests in frequency analysis nowadays have moved towards to the procedures of implementing its results as indices for further analysis, e.g. for the investigation of relationships between group processes like collaboration and outputs like performance by using the results of frequency analysis as inputs in inferential statistics. In this vein, this chapter attempts to highlight the most important options to use frequency analysis in group research as a relevant brick to gap the bridge between qualitative and quantitative methods (mixed method research). Furthermore, we fold into our descriptions and discussions empirical examples to illustrate the prerequisites, requirements and consequences of using frequency analysis in the field of group research. Finally, we clarify ways to present the results of frequency analysis for analyzing group data.


Erhöhung sozialer Eingebundenheit in digitalen Lernsettings – Reicht die Einführung einer digitalen Lernplattform aus?

2024, Merz, Nora, Rack, Oliver, Schlatter, Monika

Die digitale Transformation führt an Hochschulen zum vermehrten Einsatz digital unterstützter Lernsettings. Dadurch stellt sich die praxisrelevante Frage, wie sich die Einführung einer digitalen Lernplattform auf die soziale Eingebundenheit von Studierenden auswirkt. Durch Interviews (N=10) und eine Fragebogenerhebung (N=35) wurde untersucht, welchen Einfluss technische Features einer digitalen Lernplattform auf die soziale Eingebundenheit in einem Studiengang besitzen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht die technischen Features allein, sondern die Rahmenbedingungen einer digitalen Lernplattform sowie Kontaktangebote von Bedeutung für die soziale Eingebundenheit von Studierenden sind. Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen werden diskutiert.


Exploring linguistic indicators of social collaborative group engagement

2023, Jeitziner, Loris Tizian, Paneth, Lisa, Rack, Oliver, Zahn, Carmen, Wulff, Dirk U., Damşa, Crina, Borge, Marcela, Koh, Elizabeth, Worsley, Marcelo

This study takes a NLP approach to measuring social engagement in CSCL-learning groups. Specifically, we develop linguistic markers to capture aspects of social engagement, namely sentiment, responsiveness and uniformity of participation and compare them to human ratings of social engagement. We observed small to moderate links between NLP-markers and human ratings that varied in size and direction across the different groups. We discuss measurement and prediction of social collaborative group engagement using natural language processing.