Institut für Kooperationsforschung und -entwicklung

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  • Publikation
    Dilemmakompetenz. Schwierige Entscheidungen schaffen, ohne von ihnen geschafft zu werden
    (edition FFAS, 2024) Küllenberg, Janna; Stößel, Ulrich; Reschauer, Georg; Michaelis, Martina
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Managers perception of hospital employees’ effort-reward imbalance
    (BioMed Central, 2023) Heming, Meike; Siegrist, Johannes; Erschens, Rebecca; Genrich, Melanie; Hander, Nicole R.; Junne, Florian; Küllenberg, Janna; Müller, Andreas; Worringer, Britta; Angerer, Peter
    Abstract Objective Hospitals are frequently associated with poor working conditions that can lead to work stress and increase the risk for reduced employee well-being. Managers can shape and improve working conditions and thereby, the health of their teams. Thus, as a prerequisite, managers need to be aware of their employees’ stress levels. This study had two objectives: At first, it aimed to test the criterion validity of the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) questionnaire measuring psychosocial workload in hospital employees. Secondly, mean scales of the ERI questionnaire filled in by employees were compared with mean scales of an adapted ERI questionnaire, in which managers assessed working conditions of their employees. Methods Managers (n = 141) from three hospitals located in Germany assessed working conditions of their employees with an adapted external, other-oriented questionnaire. Employees (n = 197) of the mentioned hospitals completed the short version of the ERI questionnaire to assess their working conditions. Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) were applied to test factorial validity, using the ERI scales for the two study groups. Criterion validity was assessed with multiple linear regression analysis of associations between ERI scales and well-being among employees. Results The questionnaires demonstrated acceptable psychometric properties in terms of internal consistency of scales, although some indices of model fit resulting from CFA were of borderline significance. Concerning the first objective, effort, reward, and the ratio of effort-reward imbalance were significantly associated with well-being of employees. With regard to the second objective, first tentative findings showed that managers’ ratings of their employees’ effort at work was quite accurate, whereas their reward was overestimated. Conclusions With its documented criterion validity the ERI questionnaire can be used as a screening tool of workload among hospital employees. Moreover, in the context of work-related health promotion, managers’ perceptions of their employees’ workload deserve increased attention as first findings point to some discrepancies between their perceptions and those provided by employees.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Mental health in the workplace hospital – results of the RCT “SEEGEN”
    (Karger, 2024) Hander, Nicole R.; Klein, Thomas; Mulfinger, Nadine; Jarczok, Marc; Rieger, Monika A.; Junne, Florian; Erschens, Rebecca; Maatouk, Imad; Küllenberg, Janna; Ruhle, Sascha; Süß, Stefan; Puschner, Bernd; Sander, Anja; Müller, Andreas; Angerer, Peter; Gündel, Harald; Rothermund, Eva
    Abstracts of the 27th ICPM World Congress in Tübingen September 2024
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Managing COVID-19 in workplaces – a theoretical framework for integral employees’ health
    (Emerald, 05.04.2022) Gauer, Sandra; Germann, Barbara
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop a framework on how to deal with stressors emerging from the COVID-19 outbreak. The theoretical framework aims to explain pandemic-related stressors and potential ways to prevent them, considering a wide range of interacting factors at individual, team and organizational levels to ensure their employees’ health. Design/methodology/approach The authors drew on an integrative literature review to identify pandemic-related stressors influenceable by the organization and gathered solution approaches to counteract them. Popular psychological stress theories served as a theoretical base for the framework. Findings The authors based the framework on an integration of the transactional stress theory (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) and the job demands resources model (Schaufeli and Bakker, 2004), focusing on their respective theoretical strengths. The final framework offers a solid orientation for scholars regarding the introduction of holistic and strategic measures in coping with pandemic-related stressors. A section describing possibilities for practitioners’ use of the framework has been integrated. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first to offer a framework on how to handle COVID-19-related stressors in the workplace by implementing teamwide and companywide measures.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Mobil-flexible Arbeit – auf den Rhythmus kommt es an
    (07.03.2023) Schulze, Hartmut
    - Hybrid Work wird zur dominierenden Arbeitsweise. - Faustregel: zwischen 2-3 Tagen remote bzw. vor Ort (v.a. im wissensintensiven Sektor) –für neue Mitarbeitende anfangs mehr vor Ort - Achtung: Entstehung von Mythenzwischen verschiedenen Mitarbeitendengruppen. - Der Ort der Arbeit ist weniger wichtig als die Häufigkeit(und ggfs. die Qualität) derKontakte - Die Raumgestaltungspielt eine Rolle für die Wahl des Arbeitsortes; eine positiv wahrgenommene Atmosphäre des Raumes wirkt sich positiv auf die Häufigkeit der Arbeit vor Ort aus und hat einen Einfluss auf die Produktivität
    06 - Präsentation
  • Publikation
    Sinkt mit zunehmendem Homeoffice die Identifikation mit der Organisation? Über eine unerwartete Entdeckung
    (20.09.2023) Jeyam, Dharneeka; Schulze, Hartmut
    Fazit: Die gute Gestaltung des Zusammenspiels der verschiedenen Arbeitsorte wird matchentscheidend! - Hybrid Work etabliert sich als dominierende Arbeitsweise - Faustregel: zwischen 2-3 Tagen remote bzw. vor Ort (v.a. im wissensintensiven Sektor) –für neue Mitarbeitende anfangs mehr vor Ort - Achtung: Entstehung von Mythenzwischen verschiedenen Mitarbeitendengruppen. - Der Ort der Arbeit ist weniger wichtig (siehe auch: Becker et al., 2022) als die Häufigkeit(und ggfs. die Qualität) derKontakte: s. hier Maznevski & Chudoba, 2000 zum Rhythmus intensiver vs. weniger intensiver Interaktion - Die Raumgestaltungspielt eine Rolle für die Wahl des Arbeitsortes; eine positiv wahrgenommene Atmosphäre des Raumes wirkt sich positiv auf die Häufigkeit der Arbeit vor Ort aus und hat einen Einfluss auf die Produktivität
    06 - Präsentation
  • Vorschaubild
    Interprofessionelle Qualitätszirkel für die Palliativversorgung
    (EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag, 2021) Degen, Eveline; Liebig, Brigitte
    Interprofessionelle Qualitätszirkel können Fachleute unterschiedlichster Disziplinen zusammenführen, um die Herausforderungen des beruflichen Alltags in der allgemeinen und spezialisierten Palliative Care gemeinsam zu bewältigen. Ein aktuelles Projekt im Rahmen des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms «Gesundheitsversorgung » (NFP 74) hat dazu in enger Kooperation mit Hausärztinnen und Hausärzten ein Konzept und eine Agenda entwickelt.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    User Requirements for a Health Care Service Based on Point-of-care Testing in the Context of Ambulatory Care and Telemedicine for Older People.
    (AHFE Open Access, 2022) Mutuura, Kamalatharsie; Niederhauser, Mario; Erb, Nico; Van den Anker, Fred
    In healthcare, point-of-care testing, i.e., diagnostic testing at the time and place of patient care, allows for early diagnosis and therefore timely treatment of various diseases. These on-site tests are particularly beneficial to people living in remote areas and those with limited mobility. Our study focused on the design of a service for older people, whereby ambulatory care and telemedicine consultations are based on point-of-care testing. Its aim was to elicit user requirements, specifically for the use case of iron deficiency in older people. A textual scenario was developed which formed the foundation for the simulated or “enacted” scenario, with both undergoing participatory evaluations. A wide range of “socio-technical” requirements were elicited that are expected to be crucial for the implementation of this service. Based on content analysis they were categorized into technology-, people-, organization- and environment-related requirements. The results are discussed regarding the specific use case and methods used.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    »Ein Zimmer zum Wohnen« – Eine architektursoziologische Perspektive auf die Gestaltung von Lebensräumen in der Psychiatrie
    (MWV Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, 2022) Leuenberger, Theresia; Möhn, Andrea; Hofrichter, Linus; Köhne, Martin; Kuckert-Wöstheinrich, Andrea; Kirch, Julia
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Vorschaubild
    Organizational determinants of information transfer in palliative care teams: A structural equation modeling approach
    (Public Library of Science, 03.06.2021) Schweighoffer, Reka; Blaese, Richard; Liebig, Brigitte
    Several organizational factors facilitate or hinder information transfer in palliative care teams. According to past research, organizational factors that reduce information transfer include the inconsistent use of shared electronic patient files, frequent changes of healthcare staff, a lack of opportunities for personal exchange, and a lack of evaluation of collaborative processes. Insufficient information sharing between professionals can negatively impact patient safety, whereas studies have shown that some organizational factors improve collaboration between professionals and thus contribute to improved patient outcomes. The main purpose of this study is thus to investigate whether, and if so how, organizational factors contribute to successful information exchange in palliative care teams in Switzerland, while also accounting for the different care contexts of primary and specialized palliative care. A nationwide survey was aimed at medical professionals working in palliative care. In total, 379 participants (mean age = 49.8 years, SD = 10.3) were included in this study. Two main outcome variables were examined: healthcare providers’ satisfaction with information transfer in their team and their overall satisfaction with communication in their team. Hypotheses were tested by employing structural equation modeling. Findings revealed that the strongest predictors for effective information transfer in palliative care teams were sufficient opportunities for face-to-face meetings and supervision alongside feedback tools to improve collaborative practices and the application of guidelines and standards for collaboration. Face-to-face meetings were an even greater contributor to information transfer in specialized settings, whereas sharing the same work-based values with colleagues was considered more important in primary settings. Results from this study contribute to the existing literature elucidating how information transfer is facilitated in the field of palliative care. If proposed measures are implemented, this could possibly improve patient outcomes in palliative care. Furthermore, the findings can be useful for healthcare organizations and associations to make more efficient resource allocation decisions with the aim to optimize information transfer within the workforce.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift