Müller Lindeque, Susanne

Müller Lindeque
Müller Lindeque, Susanne


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Making Sustainable Higher Education: A Critique of Scholarly Responsibilities, Professionalisation and Praxis

2014-03-06T00:00:00Z, Müller Lindeque, Susanne

This thesis summary critiques how sustainable higher education (SHE), as a social and discursive practice, is currently constituted and reconstituted in various attempts to disrupt prevailing academic practices of unsustainability. Drawing on poststructuralist and critical hermeneutic perspectives, the study provides a multifaceted analysis of various elements of change regarding SHE. The study particularly focuses on those daily academic experiences of sustainable scholarship that would seek to bring about, as well as potentially resist, deeper transformation at all levels of academic practice.

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Reporting Progress: Opportunities, Challenges, and Ways Forward in the Use of Indicators for ESD

2009-08-01T00:00:00Z, Müller Lindeque, Susanne

This document details the processes and outcomes of an invitational workshop entitled Reporting progress: opportunities, challenges and ways forward in the use of ESD indicators in England and Germany (2009). Hosted by FU Berlin in February 2009, this follow-up event on Education for Sustainable Development indicators invited stakeholders From England and Germany to discuss and examine developments since an earlier seminar in 2006, hosted by the University of Bath. Participants at both events included representatives of the government, HE and NGO sectors; in particular, policy-makers, researchers and academics as well as representatives From user groups of ESD indicators in the formal and informal educational sectors. Bormann, I., Scott, W., Reid, A., Müller, S. (2009). Reporting Progress: Opportunities, Challenges, and Ways Forward in the Use of Indicators for ESD Berlin: FU; Bath: University of Bath.

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Teacher diagnostics as affective practices

2013-11-20T00:00:00Z, Müller Lindeque, Susanne, Wrana, Daniel

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Indikatoren einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung

2007-11-27T00:00:00Z, Nikel, Jutta, Müller Lindeque, Susanne, Bormann, Inka, Haan, Gerhard

Gegenwärtig kann auf der einen Seite die Entwicklung von Indikatoren einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) und auf der anderen die Entwicklung von Kompetenzen für Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung beobachtet werden. Beide Prozesse verlaufen vorwiegend parallel, obgleich davon ausgegangen werden kann, dass erstens beide Prozesse ähnliche Herausforderungen mit sich bringen und sie sich zweitens letztendlich in der Phase der Einführung und Umsetzung gegenseitig beeinflussen.

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Graduate students lend a voice: Reflections on the 10th seminar in health and environmental education

2010-02-01T00:00:00Z, Müller Lindeque, Susanne

Graduate students were invited by their faculty advisors to attend the 10th Semi- nar in Health and Environmental Education Research. Afterward, they were en- couraged to comment on their experiences, involvement, and positioning. Two main authors developed survey questions and retrieved, analyzed, and synthesized the responses of four other graduate students. The overall experience of attending an invitational research seminar evoked various ideas about graduate students present and future roles in research communities. Russell, J., White, P., Fook, T., Kayira, J. Muller, S., & Oakley, J. (2010). Graduate students lend a voice: Reflections on the 10th seminar in health and environmental education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 15, 90-101.

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Integrative Begabungsförderung in differenzierenden Lernarrangements (IBFLA)