Institute for Competitiveness and Communication
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Publikation Economic development in Mexico and the role of blockchain(Horizon Research, 2019) Zbinden, Fabian; Kondova, GaliaThis paper studies recent economic and political developments in Mexico and the potential role of blockchain technology in improving governance and fighting corruption in the country. Mexico badly needs innovative solutions to fight the persistent problems of corruption and inefficient governance. At the same time, blockchain, being a decentralized technology, promises to reduce administrative costs and ensure transparency in the public services. The paper takes stock of the current state of blockchain implementation in the economy and in the public administration of Mexico as well as studies the advantages and disadvantages related to the further outspread of the technology in the country. Moreover, the work aims at drawing policy recommendations as to the future role of blockchain in the public management and economic development in Mexico.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Die Digitale Transformation. Handlungsfelder und Projekte aus der Schweiz & England(2018) Peter, Marc K.06 - PräsentationPublikation Global consumer cultures and experiences of sustainable food consumption in host country(North American Business Press, 2018) Lim, Leng Khim (Lynn); Londob, GeorgeOur research examined how subculture, micro-culture and acculturation influence sustainable food consumption of expatriates. More than fifty expatriates, retailers and sustainable labeling organizations participated in the research interviews. The research explored the depth of consumption cultural phenomenon. Expatriates had varying knowledge of sustainable food labels and its concepts in their consumption experience. Their sustainable food consumption habit, fueled by the global consumer culture, related to the triple dimensions. Integration into a new consumption was evident in the findings of economic considerations. This research provided some strategic and useful insights in responding to the needs of global consumers or expatriates.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Governance of decentralized autonomous organizations(David Publishing, 2019) Kondova, Galia; Barba, RenatoThis paper draws parallels between the OECD principle on disclosure and transparency and the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) governance on a blockchain. It provides an overview of the DAO concept based on self-executing smart contracts on a blockchain. The blockchain keeps a record of data and transactions in a decentralized and immutable form. The self-executing smart contracts on a blockchain ensure transparency and automation of the decision-making process in a DAO. The paper concludes that a DAO governance structure provides for transparency and enables shareholders to exercise their rights in an informed way. Considering the early stage of development of DAOs, however, caution is needed especially with regards to potential protocol vulnerabilities and legal uncertainties.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Personal sales success factors in a wealthy market environment(Institute of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 2019) Stros, Michael; Říha, David; Říhová, Elena; Lim, Leng Khim (Lynn)This study aimed to determine the success factors in personal sales in a wealthy market environment. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental design was formulated and the Swiss automotive market was selected. This market has some peculiarities in comparison to other markets, such as generally wealthy customers who demand fuel-efficient cars with significant horse power in the higher price range. Videos of personal sales conversations were produced and shown to the study participants for evaluation. The sales took place in the automotive sector, but the results can be transferred to other sectors. The theoretical concept of personal sales is introduced, sales theories, techniques and strategies are discussed. The different types of communication are introduced and explained. As a result, a factor analysis is conducted in order to interpret the results. The paper provides then conclusions by discussing and construing the results. Theoretical and managerial contributions and possible limitations are derived.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Revenue optimization of telecom marketing campaigns for prepaid customers(International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA), 2018) Riedweg, Maurus; Svaba, Pavol; Wilke, Gwendolin; Marchildon, Philippe; Hammad, RawadThe design and optimization of marketing campaigns today usually still includes a high level of manual expert in- volvement. This applies particularly to the prepaid mobile phone sector of the highly competitive telecommunication industry. Since prepaid telecom customers are characterized by highly volatile and sparse usage data their future behavior is hard to predict, and marketers often rely mainly on experience and gut feeling when designing marketing campaigns, using only simple data analysis tools. The project developed a methodology and software prototype that helps marketers in this area to exploit the full potential of real-time big data-driven analytics for microtargeting, allowing them to make fact-based and informed decisions. Specifically, it provides an interactive solution for the semi-automated visual support of the design and optimization of single-channel marketing campaigns. The developed solutions brings a huge step towards the automation of the whole process of optimizing marketing campai04B - Beitrag KonferenzschriftPublikation Der Digital Transformation Canvas(03/2018) Peter, Marc K.Um KMU bei ihren Vorhaben zu unterstützen, hat der Projektleiter, Prof. Dr. Marc K. Peter, einen Canvas (eine Leinwand bzw. ein Raster) mit den zentralen Fragestellungen für die sieben Handlungsfelder erstellt. Diese Fragen lenken, aufbauend auf einer Maturitätsanalyse, die Diskussion der aktuellen Firmensituation und erlauben damit die Identifikation von Marktpotenzial sowie möglichen Vorhaben, Projekten und Investitionen. Der Canvas zur Digitalen Transformation kann von Mitarbeitenden, Projektteams oder Geschäftsleitungen in Workshops eingesetzt werden, um die Diskussionen strukturiert und im Hinblick auf eine ganzheitliche Digitale Transformation zu führen.10 - Elektronische-/ WebpublikationPublikation Patienteninformation und Krankenhausreputation(EMH Schweizerischer Ärzteverlag, 2017) Eichmüller, Andrea; Helbling, Thomas; Heuss, Sabina; Göldi, SusanDie Digitalisierung macht auch vor Patientinnen und Patienten nicht halt. 2017 zählt das Internet zu den meistgenutzten Informationsquellen bei der Recherche zu Gesundheitsthemen. Bei der Krankenhauswahl sind nach wie vor die Empfehlungen der Zuweisenden, die Reputation und Mundpropaganda entscheidend, wobei sich diese zunehmend in die digitale Welt verlagern.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Gute Texte - wirksam und leicht zu lesen. Von der Schreibstrategie zur Schlussredaktion(Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, 09/2017) Künzi, SabineDer vorliegende Text möchte dazu beitragen, dass es Leser und Leserinnen leichter haben. Dies heisst, dass Schreibende mehr leisten müssen. Das Konzept eines schrittweisen Textentwurfs mit Hilfe schreibartentypischer Herstellungskriterien und einer konsequenten inhaltlichen und grammatischen Redaktion systematisiert und professionalisiert die Textarbeit.05 - Forschungs- oder ArbeitsberichtPublikation Die Top 5 SEO-Massnahmen beim Online-Texten für Autorinnen und Autoren(2017) Göldi, Susan; Zachlod, Cécile; Peter, Marc P.SEO – kurz für Search Engine Optimization – bezeichnet Massnahmen, um Inhalte auf Webseiten oder in Blogbeiträgen bei Suchmaschinen wie Google, Yahoo etc. möglichst weit vorne zu positionieren. Zu einem guten Suchergebnis können die Autorinnen und Autoren von Texten für Online-Medien wesentlich beitragen. Die top 5 Schreibstrategien, die zu einem guten Ranking von Texten führen, sind im Beitrag praxisnah erläutert.04A - Beitrag Sammelband