Cslovjecsek, Markus

Cslovjecsek, Markus


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  • Publikation
    Interdisciplinarity in further education and initial teacher training: practitioner research as tool to support learning processes
    (25.11.2015) Hänggi, Françoise; Fersztand, Colin; Cslovjecsek, Markus
    Since 2012, the Departments of Music Education and English Didactics at the University of Applied Sciences have organised continual professional development courses in Switzerland with the aim of empowering practising teachers at primary and secondary level to make more of foreign language and music learning opportunities in their classrooms. Many of these courses were realised within the wider context of the interdisciplinary EU Comenius project "European Music Portfolio - Languages 2009-2012". This contribution gives a brief overview of how practitioner research was used as a reflective tool in the courses to continually improve them, to support learning processes and to feed into own professional development. Depending on the course, data collection was based on in-depth interviews with participants, post-course e-questionnaires, self-assessment and observation. The diversity of results reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the context and the range of interests and backgrounds of the reflective practitioners. A common thread is the light they shed in the search of a common understanding of "empowerment" in interdisciplinary and mixed-ability contexts.
    06 - Präsentation
  • Publikation
    Towards an Enactive Swimming Sonification: Exploring Multisensory Design and Musical Interpretation
    (11/2015) Hug, Daniel; Seibert, Gabriela; Cslovjecsek, Markus; Kalliris, George [in: Proceedings of Audiomostly 2015, - 10th Conference on Interaction with Sound]
    In this paper we present a design method that integrates the exploration of visual representations and musical expertise in the process of creating a swimming sonification, and initial results of the method’s application in an explorative study. Our focus lies on the creation of a sonic representation that facilitates the affective, intuitive reproduction of the crawl swim movement. The method integrates artistic creativity and a systematic design process. By combining the linguistic-conceptual, visual and auditory representation of the (imagined) movement, we aim to advance the expressive quality of the sonic representation as well as the design method in a crossmodal, holistic way. Finally we report on a qualitative evaluation of the potential of this approach to support the affective, intuitive re-enactment of the swimming movement.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
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    Keynote: The Role of Music in School - Delving into the Limits of Interdisciplinarity
    (02.07.2015) Cslovjecsek, Markus; Casals, Albert; Viladot, Laia
    Keynote-Lecture: The Role of Music in School - Delving into the Limits of Interdisciplinarity 1) GENERAL FRAMEWORK The education is changing and, consequently, also the role of music in the school. This can be explained by several factors, such as: - organizational / structural (crisis) - pedagogical / didactic - Conceptual (what is meant by music, sound processing, etc) in this new context we trend towards a more “global/holistic” and comprehensive learning and this is the context that favours a range of possibilities for the treatment of disciplines; from an elementary interdisiplinarity to the integration ... 2) THEORY: Theoretical reflections on what integration is. SIG-PRIME ISME as an internationally recognized teaching-research line. Introducing the EUROPEAN MUSIC PORTFOLIOS as a whole. 3) DEVELOPMENT OF EMP-Math Is EMP-M possible in our context? (Spanish for the audiecnce) We’ll talk about the state of the art based on the published articles (articles LEEME and MER). where we are, what has been published. We’ll show blogs and web mad by teachers ... We’ll explain the different experiences and the data we have collected (working groups, assessment, TFM, TFGs, workshops) – and some Videos!
    06 - Präsentation
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    A Critical, Design Driven Approach to New Interfaces for Music Education
    (04/2015) Hug, Daniel; Cslovjecsek, Markus; Hennessy, Sarah [in: Proceedings of RIME 2015, The 9th International Conference for Research in Music Education]
    Over the last years, smartphones and tablets have become attractive and ubiquitous platforms for sound and music applications, popularizing new ways of creating and manipulating digital sound. According to Krebs, founder and director of the DigiEnsemble Berlin, music apps offer people with little or no musical education access to new means of musical activity and sonic expression (Krebs 2014). This development has an impact on how music making is conceptualized and practiced and thus is relevant for music education. As practitioners increasingly incorporate multitouch tablets in their educational practice (see, e.g., Riley 2013, Krebs 2014), a critical and practice based pedagogical discourse regarding the use of these technologies is necessary, in order to allow the “reflective practitioner” to develop a systematic understanding of the diverse application and interface concepts, which can be seen as embodiments of musical concepts and ideologies. Furthermore, it can inform the design of applications for a pedagogy of listening and music/sound making, that truly leverage the potential of new technologies and meet the quality standards of music education.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Sound learning in math classrooms: how children teach us to teach
    (WTM, 2015) Cslovjecsek, Markus; Inniger, Samuel; Caluori, Franco; Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Helmut; Streit, Christine [in: Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2015]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Publikation
    Mehrsprachigkeit und Musik – interdisziplinäre Weiterbildungskurse als Entwicklungslabor für Unterricht und Lehre
    (hep, 2015) Cslovjecsek, Markus; Hänggi, Françoise; Vanotti, Manuele; Weil, Markus [in: Weiterbildung und Mehrsprachigkeit | Formation continue et plurilinguisme | Further education and plurilingualism]
    In dieser Publikation werden didaktische und konzeptionelle Annäherungen vorgestellt, die den Umgang mit Sprache und Mehrsprachigkeit in der Weiterbildung beleuchten. Sie richtet sich an interessierte Fachpersonen, die in Kindergarten, Schule, Hochschule und Weiterbildung planend sowie lehrend tätig sind. Im Vordergrund steht dabei jeweils die Weiterbildung für Lehrende im Bereich der Mehrsprachigkeit und deren Didaktik.
    Abstract des Artikels: Lieder und rhythmische Sprachspiele sind als fröhliche und entspannende Aktivitäten im Sprachunterricht bereits gut bekannt und werden oft in Lehrmittel aufgenommen, meist zum Aufbau von Wortschatz oder zur Unterstützung der Aussprache. Interdisziplinär genutzt schaffen musikalische Aktivitäten eine Reihe von neuen Lern- und Lehrmöglichkeiten. In diesem Beitrag soll aufgezeigt werden, wie die im Rahmen eines interdisziplinären EU-Projektes (www.emportfolio.eu 2009–2012) gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und die daraus entwickelten Materialien in verschiedenen Weiterbildungen von Lehrpersonen aufgenommen und umgesetzt wurden.
    04A - Beitrag Sammelband
  • Publikation
    Transversal processes - learning more about the teaching profession through music
    (Cognitive Councelling Research and Conference Services, 01.02.2014) Marjanen, Kaarina; Cslovjecsek, Markus [in: The European Journal of Social & Behavioural Sciences]
    Music and languages formed the basis for the European Music Portfolio project (2009-2012; http://www.emportfolio.eu), aiming to support teachers in their profession, by combining theories, methodology and practices. The focus of this paper is the study procedure on the impact of the international CPD courses for teachers, as one of the EMP -tools. One of the most interesting results reported was a better focus found by the teachers on the learning processes of children due to the experiences of integrating music and languages. How does music work in transversal learning and integrated teaching, as a support for the teachers?
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Transversal Learning through Music in the Teaching Profession
    (Elsevier, 01.02.2014) Marjanen, Kaarina; Cslovjecsek, Markus [in: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences]
    The surface shared by music and languages was observed in the European Music Portfolio project (2009-2012; http://www.emportfolio.eu), the aim of which was to support teachers in their profession, by combining theories with methodology and practices. One of the tools developed was the international CPD course for teachers. The success of these courses was measured in an e-questionnaire that was addressed to the participating teachers. One of the most interesting results reported, was a better focus on the learning processes of children due to the experiences of integrating music and languages. How can this valuable information benefit the development of initial teacher education?
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
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    Musik als Werkzeug zum Sprachenlernen
    (Dachverband Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Schweiz LCH, 01.05.2013) Fuchs Wyder, Dorothea; Cslovjecsek, Markus [in: Bildung Schweiz]
    Lieder, Reime und Chants sind Bestandteile vieler Fremdsprachenlehrmittel. Wenn sich die Lehrperson dieses Lernpotenzials bewusst ist, entstehen gemeinsam mit den Kindern laufend neue Chancen lebendigen Lernens. Die Fähigkeit und Fertigkeit, Musik im Fremdsprachenunterricht einzusetzen, erweitert nicht nur die methodischen Möglichkeiten, sie eröffnet zusätzliche Lernsituationen, die weit über traditionelle Funktionen von Liedern im Fremdsprachenunterricht hinausgehen.
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Publikation
    CreaEduTool: Developing a Low-Tech, Interdisciplinary, Multisensory Teaching Material for Kindergarten and Elementary School
    (01.04.2013) Hug, Daniel; Cslovjecsek, Markus; Kristiansen, Per Magnus; Lüscher, Beat; Naef, Gregor [in: Proceedings of the 8th International Research in Music Education Conference]
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift