Garrote, Ariana

Garrote, Ariana


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Lehrkraftfeedback, soziale Kompetenzen und soziale Ablehnung. Ein personenzentrierter Ansatz zur Identifizierung gefährdeter Lernender

2024-03-18, Garrote, Ariana, Nesme, Celina, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth

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Teacher feedback behaviour and peer acceptance in elementary classrooms

2022-09, Garrote, Ariana, Nesme, Celina, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth

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Zusammenhang zwischen Lehrpersonen-Feedback und Peerakzeptanz in Primarschulklassen. Ergebnisse einer Längsschnittstudie

2019-11-29, Garrote, Ariana, Wullschleger, Andrea, Schnepel, Susanne, Jaquiéry, Lea, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth

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The social participation of pupils with special educational needs in inclusive classrooms. A multidimensional perspective

2018-09-12, Garrote, Ariana, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth

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Der Zusammenhang zwischen Lehrkraftfeedback, Sozialverhalten und Ablehnung in standardisierten Mathematikstunden. Ergebnisse einer Videostudie

2024-03-18, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth, Diener, Marion, Hepberger, Brigitte, Kuratli Geeler, Susanne, Garrote, Ariana

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The role of teacher feedback behavior in social processes in standardized classroom discussions

2022-06-09, Garrote, Ariana, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth

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Social acceptance in inclusive classrooms. Which teaching practices and characteristics matter?

2018-09-17, Garrote, Ariana, Krähenmann, Helena, Wullschleger, Andrea, Schnepel, Susanne, Felder, Franziska, Jaquiéry, Lea, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth

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Positives Feedback erhöht die soziale Akzeptanz unter Kindern

2023-05, Garrote, Ariana, Wullschleger, Andrea, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth

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The social relationships of students with intellectual disabilities in inclusive classrooms

2021, Garrote, Ariana, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth

Social relationships with peers are very important for the development of all children. However , studies show that learners with special educational needs have greater difficulties in forming social relationships with peers than their classmates. However, research data and findings for children with intellectual disabilities (ID) are sparse. The present study investigates the social relationships of 7-to 8-year-old children with ID (n = 35) in inclusive classrooms (first to third year) over the course of one school year. Compared to a sample of matched same-sex classmates without ID with similar social skills (n = 35), the children with ID were less frequently named as playmates and had fewer reciprocal relationships at the end of the school year. There were no differences between children with and without ID in terms of nominations given, reciprocal relationships at the beginning of the school year and stable relationships. The results thus indicate that children with ID and without ID with comparable social skills had a similar number of stable relationships. However, children with ID formed fewer reciprocal relationships than their peers with similar social skills. Both children with IB and children without ID maintained stable reciprocal relationships mostly with same-sex peers (n = 26) who had significantly higher social skills. These findings provide important evidence for the development of strategies to promote social interactions and relationships in inclusive classrooms.

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Effects of teacher feedback behaviour on social participation in inclusive classrooms. Results of a longitudinal study

2018-09-13, Garrote, Ariana, Wullschleger, Andrea, Jaquiéry, Lea, Schnepel, Susanne, Moser Opitz, Elisabeth