Institut für Personalmanagement und Organisation

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Gerade angezeigt 1 - 10 von 36
  • Vorschaubild
    Different implementation variants of the synchronous hybrid setting in continuing education
    (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024) Jansen, Anne; Rother, Timna
    The synchronous hybrid setting combines face-to-face and online learning at the same time. This format offers freedom of choice of learning location, which is an advantage for participants in continuing education. However, the implementation of this setting poses some challenges for participants, lecturers, and programme management. The aim of this study is therefore to identify the different ways in which the synchronous hybrid setting can be implemented in continuing education to take advantage of its opportunities and to address its challenges. Based on structured interviews with programme managers from different universities, two main variants of the synchronous hybrid setting and three design conditions were identified. The variants and conditions were evaluated from a learning, teaching, and management perspective. The results show that the benefits and possible risks for stakeholders vary depending on the variant and design condition. Several requirements for a successful implementation of this setting are discussed
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Crowdwork and employee commitment: new challenges for HRM
    (ToKnowPress, 2018) Konrad, Jonas; Pekruhl, Ulrich; Dermol, Valerij
    Crowdsourcing for paid labour (paid crowdsourcing) will fundamentally change the relationships between actors in the labour market. Employee-employer-relations are mediated by an internet service platform provider, immediate contact between both sides become limited. This does have crucial impacts on form and scope of employee commitment regarding both their jobs and the organization, they work for. Traditional HRM is facing the challenge to either overcome the problems of lacking employee commitment or to organize crowdsourcing in a way that fosters new forms of commitment.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Diversity management: towards managing capabilities
    (Ibima, 2018) Özdemir, Feriha
    The future prospects of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in Germany depend on creative employees as key actors. Nevertheless, several studies investigated inequalities especially discrimination in the labor market intensifying brain drain. Social discrimination has great impact on the capabilities of people, particularly in labour. Disadvantages are exposed to a lack of opportunities with the result of a capability gap. A widely known management tool to handle diversity and prevent discrimination in organizations is called Diversity Management. This management concept offers competitive advantages but it is mostly a management tool of bigger enterprise performances. This paper will present a process of enabling and empowering management process of capabilities. It is presented by the example of the ‘Solution Cycle’ which will be called a participatory process design contributing to the lack in the classical diversity management approach.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Strategische Kommunikation in den Streitkräften
    (ASMZ, 2019) Holenweger, Michael
    01B - Beitrag in Magazin oder Zeitung
  • Vorschaubild
    Users/Patiens as industrial relations actors: a structurationist analysis
    (Département des relations industrielles, Université Laval, 2018) Bellemare, Guy; Briand, Louise; Havard, Christelle; Naschberger, Christl
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Steigerung der Diversität durch geschlechter-integratives Re-Branding der Studiengänge Wirtschaftsinformatik
    (Forum Neue Medien in der Lehre Austria, 2020) Resch, Dörte; Weber, Selina; Dreiling, Anke
    Wie können Studiengänge mit einem geschlechterstereotyp geprägten Image dieses so ändern, dass das Studium für verschiedene Geschlechter als passend angesehen wird? Auf Basis von zwei Projekten wird am Beispiel der Studiengänge BSc in Wirtschaftsinformatik aufgezeigt, wie mittels eines Re-Branding-Ansatzes die Vorstellung über das Studium so verändert werden kann, dass es für Frauen attraktiver wird. Insgesamt konnte der Frauenanteil um 73% und die Anzahl der Studierenden insgesamt um 92% über die gesamte Laufzeit der Projekte gesteigert werden. Wenn sich Studiengänge für eine diversere Zielgruppe öffnen wollen, bietet Re-Branding einen neuen und vielversprechenden Ansatz.
    01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Flexible workforce management. An exploratory study
    (Open Education Platform, 2021) Vogel, Christoph; Schaltegger, Christina; Zölch, Martina; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut
    A flexible workforce is a key competitive advantage to deal with a constantly changing environment, such as order fluctuations and filling knowledge gaps due to a shortage of skilled staff. So far, only few empirical results are available on how companies successfully manage the “Flexible Workforce”. In the present exploratory study, we examine the flexible workforce practice and management in Swiss organisations using a quantitative approach. Data were collected through an online survey, in which 224 HR professionals of Swiss companies took part. The results suggest that organisations engaging in a flexible workforce benefit from outcomes like dealing with peaks in workload, filling knowledge gaps, implementation of new ideas and succession planning. The extent to which companies can benefit from the use of a flexible workforce depends, among other things, on the complexity of the tasks and organisational characteristics such as the culture of trust and the practice of knowledge management.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    From managing diversity to managing opportunity
    (Open Education Platform, 2021) Özdemir, Feriha; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut
    Companies with path-dependencies on trivial assumptions reach their limits in Society 5.0. Resilient and vital organizations need multiple reservoirs of competencies, i.e .their people’s capabilities. Furthermore, resilient organizations in hypermodernity depend on an ability to respond to rising complexity by enhancing their own inner variety and competencies. Society 5.0 is characterized by a huge amount of diversity, and is human-focused. This paper presents a human-centered approach, the Capability Approach, which is conceptualized as a developed approach to Diversity Management. This paper goes beyond the classical diversity discourse, outlining an approach to Managing Opportunities in Society 5.0 that contributes toward the SDGs and Capability Management, introducing the Capability Cycle as a process for managing opportunities for dialogue-orientated communication. An economy designed for people requires a new diversity discourse − because the right to development is an inalienable human right.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Synchronous hybrid classroom in continuing education – Tackling challenges of exchange and networking
    (Open Education Platform, 2021) Jansen, Anne; Rother, Timna; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut
    Digitalization is changing work content, jobs, and processes, making lifelong learning and investment in further education increasingly important. At the same time, it opens new opportunities for providers of continuing education programs by digitalizing teaching/learning settings. In a synchronous hybrid classroom, a video conferencing system enables simultaneous on-site and remote participation. Thus, this format offers potential for continuing education through the freedom to choose from where to participate in the class-room. Continuing education participants are often very busy at work and/or with care obligations and could therefore benefit from local flexibility through remote teaching. However, it is the exchange and networking opportunities that many participants expect from continuing education and which have so far usually been realized through face-to-face interaction. The implementation of synchronous hybrid teaching is associated with several challenges. Beside challenges of technological implementation and the demands on technical and didactical skills of the lecturers, there is a risk that the exchange and networking between participants will suffer. This paper develops key research questions regarding the future design of synchronous hybrid classrooms especially for the target group of continuous education participants. Different methods are presented, with which the necessary evidence could ideally be obtained.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift
  • Vorschaubild
    Success factor focus and attention in study and in the work context - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
    (2023) Krebs, Michael; Kuhn, Christine; Sitte, Michael; Gerber, Aurona; Hinkelmann, Knut
    Digitization offers new opportunities in the context of students' learning opportunities and strategies, but also risks and challenges. Undisturbed attention is becoming a scarce resource due to multiple opportunities for influence and distraction (e.g., new social media, "attention economy") and is increasingly limiting the learning success of students. "Stolen Focus", low "Attention Span", increased levels of stress and signals of exhaustion and depression in the face of performance and learning demands that tend to remain the same or comparable over the years are signs of an attention crisis and challenge us faculty to actively address this issue in courses. The coming generations (Z etc.) need assistance to regain or improve their self-efficacy in their studies with media literacy, attention, focus and deeper learning. The authors see this situation as a call for action, aiming to improve students' perception (also meta-awareness) and awareness of the impact of the digitalized and accelerated world on their daily routines, learning and working. The ability to work and learn in a focused way is seen and expected by employers as one of the most important competencies of graduates in a recent study. The planned project intends to face this challenge by developing a teaching design with different components, consisting of teaching materials (online/offline), a playbook and a "focus for success diary" and is intended to be applied in a regular Bachelor program, where the authors teach the same course in different locations of the university. Overall, the project should help learners to be better prepared for the demands of the modern world and to be more aware and successful in their learning processes. The social and psychological consequences of digitalization, acceleration and densification will thusbecome an integral part of the training and the solutions developed will offer a contribution in terms of social sustainability in the context of our ESG efforts.
    04B - Beitrag Konferenzschrift