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Publikation Adapting routines in schools when facing challenging situations. Extending previous theories on routines by considering theories on self-regulated and collectively regulated learning(Springer, 07.07.2022) Maag Merki, Katharina; Wullschleger, Andrea; Rechsteiner, BeatRoutines play a major role in educational change in schools. But what happens if the routines performed by school staff fail to deal successfully with current challenges? What strategies aid adaptation of the routines in a specific situation? Up to now, there exists no comprehensive concept for understanding why and at what points the adapting of routines in schools in a specific situation takes a favorable or unfavorable direction. To address this gap, we propose extending theories on routines by considering theories on self-regulated and collectively regulated learning. We consider these theories to be a beneficial complement because of their broad theoretical, methodological, and empirical research base. We argue that these theories enhance the understanding of adapting routines to specific challenging situations in schools. We present a newly developed theoretical framework for dealing with specific challenging situations in schools as an interplay between routines and regulation processes. Finally, important research questions regarding the suggested approach are discussed.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Bridging gaps: a systematic literature review of brokerage in educational change(Springer, 07.10.2023) Rechsteiner, Beat; Kyndt, Eva; Compagnoni, Miriam; Wullschleger, Andrea; Maag Merki, Katharina; Wullschleger, AndreaBridging gaps between educational stakeholders at the classroom, school, and system levels is essential to achieve sustainable change in primary and secondary education. However, transferring knowledge or building capacity within this network of loosely coupled stakeholders is demanding. The concept holds promise for studying these complex patterns of interaction, as it refers to how specific actors link loosely coupled or disconnected individuals. However, different research traditions, in terms of theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches, and various stakeholders examined in their role as bridge builders make understanding the role of brokers, brokering, and brokerage in changing educational practice challenging. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the current literature on these concepts in educational change research. In a systematic literature review based on 42 studies, we analyzed each study’s theoretical assumptions, methodological approach, scope in terms of stakeholders involved, and empirical findings. First, the literature review revealed that research on educational change refers to four different theoretical frameworks when focusing on brokers, brokering, or brokerage. Second, our results indicate that predominantly qualitative approaches have been applied. Third, using content network graphs, we identified teachers and principals as among the most frequently analyzed brokers. Fourth, four relevant aspects of the empirical findings are presented: brokers’ personal characteristics, conditions that enable brokering, successful brokering strategies, and outcomes of brokerage. Finally, we outline a future research agenda based on the empirical evidence base and shortcomings.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Der Einfluss von Lehrkräfte-Feedback auf die soziale Integration und soziale Kompetenzen in inklusiven Klassen. Ergebnisse einer Längsschnittstudie(16.02.2018) Wullschleger, Andrea; Garrote, Ariana; Schnepel, Susanne; Moser Opitz, Elisabeth06 - PräsentationPublikation Diagnosing students’ quantity-number competences for individualised learning support in kindergarten(28.08.2015) Wullschleger, Andrea; Stebler, Rita06 - PräsentationPublikation Dynamic pathways. Investigating the relationship between the changing landscape of educational leaders’ interaction routines and innovative climate(11.01.2024) Wullschleger, Andrea; Liou, Yi-Hwa; Vörös, András; Daly, Alan; Maag Merki, Katharina06 - PräsentationPublikation Early childhood teachers' mathematics-specific professional competence and its relation to the quality of learning support(Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação, 08.06.2021) Lindmeier, Anke; Seemann, Selma; Wullschleger, Andrea; Meyer-Wyder, Anuschka; Leuchter, Miriam; Vogt, Franziska; Moser Opitz, Elisabeth; Heinze, AisoTeacher expertise research uses different approaches, among them competence models. The model of mathematics-specific professional competence in this study differentiates action-related and reflective competence, which pertain to different types of professional demands according to dual processing theories and should positively impact teaching quality. The cross-sectional study with early childhood teachers investigates the structure of teacher competence and its relations to the quality of learning support in line with the notion of adaptive teaching when playing board games. The findings support a differentiation of competences according to the model (structural validity evidence). Expected relations between competences and the quality of the learning support are partially supported (predictive validity evidence). The study hence adds to research on teacher expertise by developing a specific understanding of competence in line with existing theories. Affordances of using competence models, as well as difficulties and open questions with relation to the emerging approach are discussed.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Effects of teacher feedback behavior on social acceptance in inclusive elementary classrooms: Exploring social referencing processes in a natural setting(Elsevier, 01/2020) Wullschleger, Andrea; Garrote, Ariana; Schnepel, Susanne; Jaquiéry, Lea; Moser Opitz, Elisabeth01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Effects of teacher feedback behaviour on social participation in inclusive classrooms. Results of a longitudinal study(13.09.2018) Garrote, Ariana; Wullschleger, Andrea; Jaquiéry, Lea; Schnepel, Susanne; Moser Opitz, Elisabeth06 - PräsentationPublikation Ein neuer Blick auf Schulentwicklung. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen impliziten und expliziten Prozessen der Weiterentwicklung der Einzelschule(Springer, 2021) Maag Merki, Katharina; Wullschleger, Andrea; Rechsteiner, Beat; Moldenhauer, Anna; Asbrand, Barbara; Hummrich, Merle; Idell, Till-SebastianIn diesem Beitrag wird, ausgehend von Theorien des organisationalen Lernens und des selbstregulierten Lernens, das Zusammenspiel zwischen impliziten, relativ stabilen und expliziten, systematisch gestalteten Prozessen der Schulentwicklung untersucht. Wir argumentieren, dass es die Analyse dieses Zusammenspiels besser ermöglicht herauszuarbeiten, welche stabilen Orientierungen und Praktiken den Schulentwicklungsalltag der Akteur*innen in der Schule prägen sowie wann und in welchen Situationen diese impliziten, routinierten Prozesse unterbrochen werden, weil sie für die Bearbeitung spezifischer schulinterner oder schulexterner Herausforderungen nicht (mehr) funktional sind bzw. zu sein scheinen. Es wird ein theoretisches Rahmenmodell entwickelt, dessen Potential für die Schulentwicklungsforschung aufgezeigt wird, dessen Schwächen aber auch diskutiert werden.04A - Beitrag SammelbandPublikation 06 - PräsentationPublikation Everyday, every week, all at once? An experience sampling study on teachers’ professional development for the classroom, team, and school(Elsevier, 12/2024) Compagnoni, Miriam; Rechsteiner, Beat; Gotsch, Flurin; Grob, Urs; Wullschleger, Andrea; Maag Merki, KatharinaIn a 21-day study, 753 Swiss primary school teachers reported their daily professional development activities concerning the classroom, team, and school. Using experience sampling, we examined their effect on teachers’ well-being and experienced learning benefits for students, team, and school. Professional development activities for teaching occurred on 41% of workdays but were rare for team and school. Multilevel analyses highlighted both inter- and intraindividual associations with benefits and well-being. On days with professional development activities for the classroom, teachers reported increased stress but also recognized learning benefits. Teachers engaging in more professional development activities overall showed higher well-being and benefits.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Fostering mathematical competencies via individualised learning support in kindergarten(25.08.2014) Wullschleger, Andrea; Stebler, Rita06 - PräsentationPublikation How effective is a high amount of teacher collaboration that is perceived as useful?(26.08.2023) Wullschleger, Andrea; Maag Merki, Katharina; Grob, Urs; Rechsteiner, Beat; Compagnoni, Miriam; Vörös, András06 - PräsentationPublikation Improving teaching, teamwork, and school organization. Collaboration networks in school teams(Elsevier, 01/2023) Wullschleger, Andrea; Vörös, András; Rechsteiner, Beat; Rickenbacher, Ariane; Maag Merki, KatharinaWhereas previous studies on teacher collaboration have focused almost exclusively on improving teaching, this paper investigates collaboration in three highly important school improvement areas. Data for three collaboration networks were collected in four secondary schools in Switzerland in 2018 on teachers exploring new ideas on teaching (teaching improvement), teamwork (team improvement), and school organization (organizational improvement). Using social network analysis, we examined to what extent the collaboration networks overlap, how network structures differ, and what factors explain these differences. The results revealed substantial differences between collaboration in the three areas. This suggests that future research should examine collaboration from a multidimensional network perspective.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Improving the quality of adaptive learning support provided by kindergarten teachers in play-based mathematical learning situations(Routledge, 06.06.2022) Wullschleger, Andrea; Lindmeier, Anke; Heinze, Aiso; Meier-Wyder, Anuschka; Leuchter, Miriam; Vogt, Franziska; Moser Opitz, ElisabethAdaptive learning support is a key element of high quality preschool education and includes the planning of learning situations and teacher–child interactions. The provision of effective adaptive learning support in kindergarten is challenging. This longitudinal experimental study examined the impact of two professional development programs on 132 kindergarten teachers. One program focused on teacher–child interactions (micro-adaptive learning support), the other on planning, preparation, and reflection (macro-adaptive learning support). Each program had a positive impact on the quality of the specific type of adaptive mathematical learning support provided by kindergarten teachers, macro or micro, it was designed to improve.01A - Beitrag in wissenschaftlicher ZeitschriftPublikation Individuell-adaptive Lernunterstützung bei mathematischen Regelspielen(01.07.2015) Wullschleger, Andrea; Stebler, Rita06 - PräsentationPublikation Individuell-adaptive Lernunterstützung im Kindergarten. Eine Videoanalyse zur spielintegrierten Förderung von Mengen-Zahlen-Kompetenzen(Waxmann, 2017) Wullschleger, AndreaWie können Kindergartenlehrpersonen den Aufbau von Mengen-Zahlen-Kompetenzen bei Kindern im Alter zwischen vier und sechs Jahren wirksam fördern? Ausgehend von dieser Frage werden zunächst fachliche, lernpsychologische und didaktische Aspekte einer individuell-adaptiven Lernunterstützung bei der spielintegrierten Frühförderung in heterogenen Lerngruppen erörtert. Diese Ausführungen münden in ein Modell, das den möglichen Ablauf eines vollständigen Unterstützungsprozesses schematisch beschreibt. Auf dieser Grundlage werden anschließend die Ergebnisse einer videogestützten Dreiländerstudie zur individuell-adaptiven Lernunterstützung in Regelspielsituationen im Kindergarten präsentiert. Die theoretischen Ausführungen und die empirischen Befunde leisten einen Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung der Kindergartendidaktik im Bereich der Förderung früher mathematischer Kompetenzen, zur videobasierten Lernforschung sowie zur Aus- und Weiterbildung von Kindergartenlehrpersonen.02 - MonographiePublikation Individuelle Lernunterstützung bei der spielintegrierten Förderung von Mengen-Zahlen-Kompetenzen im Kindergarten(25.06.2014) Wullschleger, Andrea; Stebler, Rita06 - PräsentationPublikation Individuelle Lernunterstützung bei der spielintegrierten mathematischen Förderung im Kindergarten(02.03.2014) Wullschleger, Andrea06 - Präsentation